Get some cash back credit cards. You can easily find some that will give you 2-3% cash back. Run everything you buy through those cards and set them to pay in full every month so you never carry a balance.
You save hundreds more dollars per year doing that.
American Express Blue Cash has been my main card for about 12 years. I had another cash MC prior to that.
The AMX card gives e back 6% on grocery and pharmacy purchases. 3% back on all fuel purchases. 1% on all remaining. I do pay a yearly fee and pay it off monthly.
Costco Executive Membership Visa is a VERY good option if you are able to use the Costco gas station regularly: 4% Visa cash back for gas (from anywhere), plus the savings on the price of gas at Costco, about $0.20/gal for me, pays for the Costco membership, with change back. 1-4% Visa cash back for purchases anywhere, plus 2% Executive Membership cash back for purchases at Costco.
And, as you stated, the account MUST BE PAID IN FULL EVERY MONTH for this to be effective.
“Get some cash back credit cards.”
We have a Visa through our Costco membership. Every February, we get cash based on expenditures through the year. It really adds up.
We moved in July, and set up auto pay for most utilities on that card, so that helps, too.