Posted on 02/21/2024 11:29:22 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
Of course I believe people who open fire in crowded public places. Most are truthful and very credible.
‘Fired while tripping”... Was he tripping on the sidewalk or some hallucinogenic object?
Yes. Photo finally got on the internet.
Regardless of the race of the killer he is evil.
I ‘m glad the media and law enforcement FINALLY have allowed us lowly peasants to get a little information.
RE: ....he appeared to trip over a cone while he was shooting and then fled the scene.
Biden: I may have fallen on my face on airplane steps and wandered aimlessly behind a stage but I would never endanger my ice cream cone. Never.🍦
Ronny Reyes is a kid and prolly doesn't have a clue about the term in the context to which you refer.
Idiots with machine guns.
Let’s ban all firearms from legal and trained owners.
Now what about the two ‘youngsters’ who were arrested? Have they been charged yet?
Amazing notice by the Kansas City Star:
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Star is for the first time publishing a booking photo for Lyndell Mays, who was taken to the Jackson County Detention Center Tuesday night after being treated at a hospital. The Star had held off until Wednesday to understand why a booking photo of Dominic M. Miller was not available. The Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office said Wednesday morning that Miller is still at the hospital and had not yet been photographed. In addition, we took the time to carefully consider whether to use booking mugs in the absence of other images of the adult suspects; The Star policy is to use booking mugs only in the highest profile of crimes.
“The Star policy is to use booking mugs only in the highest profile of crimes.”
A white shooter makes it a highest profile crime.
Kids don’t use the term “tripping” anymore? I did not know that.
In the early 1980s some newspapers including the Ann Arbor News in Michigan had the policy to never print any picture of a person of color involved in a crime. Okay to publish white suspects’ pictures.
When a coworker told me she read the new policy my jaw dropped. I verified it was true.
The trend of so many pictures was giving people an impression the editors didn’t like. Remind me of the highway patrol true incident series where the producer was asked during a magazine interview if the races of suspects truly reflected the national trends. He said they sometimes went through twenty or more file folders to find an offender to do a story to balance it better.
Jeff Foxworthy:
You might be a redneck if your mother has twice——twice-—been the subject of a True Stories of the Highway Patrol episode.
It was a 9 mm handgun.
Were the guns legally purchased?
With a “switch.” Turns a semi automatic handgun into an automatic. They were spraying bullets all over the place.
The usual suspects be trippin
There he is. Looks just like the last ones
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