Makes me sick and mad to say the least.
The weird thing about it is that no one seems to care any longer if they live or die. Has this mad world devolved to the point where death is now viewed as a blessing?
“The weird thing about it is that no one seems to care any longer if they live or die. Has this mad world devolved to the point where death is now viewed as a blessing?”
I think too many people believe that they are in a small minority of people who understand that there is true evil in the world and that this evil wants to use bio weapons on the rest of the world. They’re afraid to speak out for fear of being labeled conspiracy theorists. They feel alone and defeated.
In reality, 4 out of every 10 people might feel that same way. But they too feel alone and defeated.
I often wonder what would happen if someone who lived at intersection with a traffic light put a kiddie pool in their yard and a sign that said, “Toss a penny if you believe Covid-19 is an evil plot by a cabal out to depopulate the world,” or something to that effect.
How long would it take them to rack up a dollar?
I’d personally scoop up a bunch of my spare change and fling it toward the pool.