Golly, no need to get personal. I indeed have no personal interest in the fight between these two groups bound in an ancient blood feud. In the same way I have no interest in whether a guy puts on a dress and pretends to be a woman or two girls hook up in a sexual tryst. But once these parties demand I accept their fantasy or support their lifestyle via tax subsidies or regulatory punitive law then I most certainly have lots to say. So similarly if the Jews want to kill Hamas or thousands of innocent Palestinians I simply do not care - but when they demand American treasure, blood and political leverage making this possible then damn right I now care and will push back.
It is simply not in American best interest to get involved. Seriously, has anything america has done in the “war on terror” actually improved much in the world? Thousands are dead. We destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc but none are exactly the Jeffersonian republic that ol’ Dubya promised. America’s reputation is far less respected. Did last night’s bombing of Yemen accomplish anything other than getting ratings for the cable news show, and more orders for the MIC (Niki call the office). I get it, you feel a spiritual attachment to this, perhaps even imagine a scriptural prophesy is in play, that’s all fine. A constitutional republic is probably better served with less emotion and more detached reason. And it certainly is ill served by empire building neocon lunatics that have never found a problem bombing and war won’t solve.