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To: Presbyterian Reporter

Mary writes: “Dear Mark, There has been a lot of speculation on social media as to your vaccination status. I find the demands for everyone to share their personal medical information extremely offensive. Yet, I must confess that I am a bit curious given your recent heart attacks.... if you feel comfortable talking about it that is.”

Okay. You’re right, there’s been some speculation, a lot of it is not really.....doesn’t really make any sense this speculation. People said, well, I’m a Canadian who’s in America, I fly over to the United Kingdom to do my show from there and then I go off to France to have my heart attack. So in order to get across all those international borders, I must have been vaccinated.

Now, if you read an interview that they did with me, David Frum’s sister, in fact, Linda Frum, a Canadian senator interviewed me in the National Post in Canada in 2006, and asked me about my passports. And I said I didn’t believe in people with multiple passports because all the trouble in the world is caused by people with multiple passports. Like when you pick up some terrorist, he’s got six different passports, sewn into his coat lining, a couple of which are usually Canadian, and Australian. And they may well be these days UK and US too. And I said I didn’t believe that, because I thought citizenship was about allegiance so one should only have one passport.

I feel....when the COVID got going. This was the first summer of COVID, summer 2020, I was sick of it after whatever it was three weeks, four weeks of lockdown and wanted to bust out. And it’s true, there were restrictions on travel. And the only way you can get around those restrictions is to be a citizen of the jurisdiction you’re entering. Because they’re the only ones who as a general matter of law, although I’m sure they’ll change this, can’t be denied entry. To be sure they can admit you and then quarantine you or whatever. But again, there’s ways around that kind of thing. So I gave up on this idea that you should only have one passport, because frankly, you know, as I said, I did a big rhapsodic thing the other day regretting, for example, that my Canada is dead, my England is dead. My France is dead. So I don’t feel I owe any allegiance to the contemporary incarnation of the Canadian state. It’s a monstrous entity that is at war with every basic fundamental human liberty.

So I, whatever it was, starting three years ago, became an acquirer of citizenships of convenience. Well how do I do that? Well, I have the good fortune to be an Irish-Belgian-Canadian. So that’s three right there. And you know, the Irish passport, for, for example, is the only one with unlimited rights of entry to both the European Union and the United Kingdom. So that’s what I did. I started with those three and worked up from there and I recommend it to all of you. The modern incarnations of formerly free societies can no longer command your allegiance. In a sentimental way you may well be attached to the land in which you live, or the land in which you grew up. But their modern incarnation, at least in their forms of government, is not worthy of your allegiance. So grab whatever passports you can get, and you will be able to retain for a little while freedom of movement. So that’s got nothing to do with my vaccination status.

And actually the other thing I’ve learned is that it’s actually incredibly easy because as with all these universalized....I’ve talked before about the thing where I was supposed to have a COVID test within 24 hours in order to get the plane out of the country or whatever it was. And it hadn’t come through because I had a US cell phone number. And they wouldn’t send it to a US cell. And so in the end, I would just wound up photoshopping a COVID test I’d had in Spain a few weeks earlier. And once you’ve done that the first time, it’s actually very easy to do it the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth time. When we went to Ukraine, my dear friend who came in as the cameraman, I think Ukraine was saying you had to have a vaccine passport or whatever to get in there. And he’s very virulently anti-COVID vaccines. And the minute he heard we were going to Ukraine, he just faked one up in Photoshop and showed it them on his telephone.

I had the first two COVID vaccines. My doctor was stunned. I didn’t think I needed them and my doctor was therefore stunned when I agreed to have them, because I never agree to anything. She’s been trying to persuade me to get a colonoscopy for over a decade now. But I did so because a member of my household had an underlying condition. And so I thought it would be safer for her. With what I know since, I know that these things are useless. And even if it didn’t harm me, I don’t think it would harm her either. We have a sort of slightly strange situation in which the Mark Steyn studios, for example, have when all this started, we introduced sort of hospital grade ventilation to the building, just to make the air cleaner or whatever, it’s nothing to do with me. It’s decisions I find out about later. But at the same time, almost all the cameramen on the Mark Steyn Show and the director and all kinds of people think it’s all bollocks and have had nothing to do with these vaccines. So there’s a divergence of opinion.

But I had these first two Pfizer shots. And in fact, actually, I didn’t like....initially I got them at the local firehouse. And that seemed rather cute and small townie to me. And then when I was actually there watching entirely unqualified people, asking the three or four rote questions and then giving you the jab, I felt queasy didn’t seem quite right. But anyway, I got the two things. Did they give me the heart attacks? Well, as I said, I think it was last week, one of my doctors showed me all this stuff in which he said I think this was the Pfizer shot, but it might be all vaccines, but he certainly showed me the Pfizer data. They act as an accelerant. So that what you..... In other words, as I explained last week, what would have happened to you at 87, or at 94 shows up a quarter century earlier or 20 years earlier. That’s how it was explained to me as an accelerant. And that’s why there are all these excess deaths among the young and middle aged, because the heart attack you should have got at 60 shows up when you’re 40, which is why we have this excess deaths among the young and the middle aged. Horrible, horrible, but compelling the evidence he showed me.

On the other hand, another of my cardiologists who looked at my echograph....and I really don’t want to start talking about my echo graph and you know, as I said in my first show back, my idea of a medical bulletin is the one they issued for George V, “the King’s life is drawing peacefully to a close.” That’ll do it for me. But another cardiologist who showed me on the echograph the state of my heart and explained to me that there had been.....I assumed you know, I’ve lived an unhealthy life, so this is all a build up from the 1980s, 90s, oughts and teens. Not at all. She said that the damage to my heart and the strain on my heart had been inflicted on it during the last few months, 12 months maximum, so as she sees it it’s pretty much all GB News’s fault. So make of that what you will, but anyway that is my answer to you, Mary.

And let’s have a look at this one Dam Buster, possibly not his real name, says “Mark thanks for letting me rejoin your club.” Well, welcome back Dam, you’ll never know how much you missed here in your absence.

“Like Basil Fawlty, I promise not to mention the War. The commitment to free speech must trump all else. I despair for the future of democracy. Having committed, in my eyes, the greatest crime since the Holocaust in installing Biden, the establishment is stuck....”

[Laughs] That took me by surprise. I was assuming you were gonna say the greatest crime since the Holocaust in mandating vaccines, because that’s normally where people are going with that expression.

“....the establishment is stuck. How can another free and fair election ever be allowed to take place?”

You know, this is why free speech is important and why freedom of movement is important. One advantage the Europeans have for example, is that a Frenchman can go to Hungary and a Hungarian can go to France. And you get a sense of how it doesn’t take much of that to get a sense.....I’m always astonished whenever I....our friend Eva Vlaardingerbroek, for example, who lives in the Netherlands and I’m always astonished whenever I try to get a hold of her on the old email or the whatever, that she’s always in a different country. Oh, you know, she’s not in the Netherlands today. She’s in Germany. Oh, she’s not in the Netherlands today she’s in Austria. And one advantage of that is that you become aware if the way you’re doing something isn’t quite right, like I know a lot about because I flew from London, to Lyon, for my second heart attack. I’m very familiar with the differences between the French and UK health services.

And it doesn’t....I said this on Rush in the days after the election, you don’t have to do all the stuff that people brought into it rather ill advisedly, about Hugo Chavez and whatnot. All you need to know is that US election systems are not like anything else on Earth. They’re just weird. Now, are they weird because they’re crap? Or are they weird because they’re evil? That’s really the only question. Now, at 7 p.m. in the Dominion of Canada, the polls close and usually by 10, or if it’s a close election 11:42 everyone knows the result and they can all go to bed. This is the only country in the West where you can’t say who won a congressional election in whatever congressional district that is in upstate New York for three months. It’ know, and the thing about it is this is where the American right with all the rahrahing and the pom pom girls and the greatest I always say, it doesn’t matter if you have the greatest constitution in the world if you have the crappiest election system in the world.

And American conservatives are not serious about this. So we have this “oh the red wave, the red wave’s coming. [Sings] “The red wave’s a coming, a coming any day now, I’m so excited because the red wave’s a coming.” And then mysteriously, it looks like there might be a little bit of a trickle of a red wave that’s coming in. And then you all go to sleep and you wake up in the morning and you discover that there’s no red wave at all and then you all go back to saying oh well who do you like in 2024? As if that’s not gonna go the same way. I can’t stand it. I can’t stand....I’ve said this before I don’t want to get worked up and have my third heart attack live on the Clubland Q&A, but I’m coming close to it because I can’t stand this rubbish you know that your hear on the talk radio.

As I said here we do it differently. On the talk radio, they have all the super Butch music. Every theme tune sounds like Survivor “Eye of the Tiger” sideways. [Gruff voice] “Bum Bum Bum, it’s the butchest talk show you ever heard. How you can tell it so bunch because we have the driving hard rock music.” And then some sissy boy with easy listening opinions comes, “Oh, well, it’s all very exciting. I see Lindsey Graham’s up two points in Iowa.” Here we do it the other way around. We have easy listening music and hard opinions. Because that’s the better way round. That’s the better way round to do it.

So we have know I can’t even....I’ve said all this before, when I was guest hosting for Rush, we were on a lot of Cumulus stations. And the Cumulus guy said, oh, you can’t talk about the election shenanigans. So not only do I talk about the election shenanigans, but I talk about how the senior executive vice president of Cumulus has told me I’m not allowed to talk about the election shenanigans, because that’s just the way I roll. Whereas Mark Levin, butcher than anyone [Mimics Levin] “Get off my phone.” Mark Levin butcher than anyone, when the Cumulus guy tells him you can’t have Donald Trump on the air, he scheduled an interview with the President of the United States on the afternoon of Election Day when everything’s going wacky, just to shore up the troops, fire up the troops. And the Cumulus guy says oh no you can’t have him on, Mark Levin caves.

You know, the phony....I can stand anything and he’s—just to circle back to GB news. Phony butchness, you know, I have written for liberal newspapers over the years, the Irish Times, liberal newspaper occasionally even for the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star, and they all think I’m nuts, but they’re all openly on board with all the garbage, right? The butch boys pretending to be butch and then just turning into a bunch of easy listening pansies is where the real problem is, because that’s phony butchness, which I just can’t stand.

I’ve gone on a bit. So let’s pause from the hell of the passing Charivari for a little music, because as I said, it’s butch opinions easy listening music. Burt Bacharach died on Wednesday at the grand old age of 94. I spent a day with him and Elvis Costello at the Chicago Theater a quarter century back and maybe we’ll dig that out and see how it holds up over the weekend. Everybody knows at least one Burt Bacharach tune I would say, from “What’s It All About Alfie,” and “The Look Of Love,” to Arthur’s theme “When You Get Caught Between The Moon and New York City,” And “That’s What Friends Are For.”

He was a serious composer, unusual harmonies, unusual shifts of time signatures, unusual intervals. Steve Tyrell, who was the A&R man at Scepter Records and worked on a lot of those early Bacharach and David hits for Dionne Warwick, Steve Tyrell once told me that he thought “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” was Burt’s attempt to write a Bob Dylan song and he developed this kind of cute party piece of what it would sound like doing it in a Dylanesque grasp and I sorta see what he means. But I think that’s mostly a function of what Burt used to do with these upward sevenths in upward sevenths in the main phrase of that song, raindrops keep falling on my head, and just like the guy whose feet are too big for his and up bed, and that seventh, when it’s sung, it sounds like a fellow singing in the shower, trying to do an octave leap and falling just a little short, which can sound very like Bob Dylan, especially latterly. It’s the way a lot of guys sing but it’s not the way a lot of composers write. But Burt Bacharach did things like that all the time. And it’s part of what makes “Raindrops” utterly charming, but I’m gonna play one of the big hits, not one of the big hits today, because I’m sure they’re putting them on all the other shows. This was a small hit, but an absolutely lovely tune and an unusual premise a jilted lover on her ex’s doorstep wondering why she can hear smoocheroo music coming from inside the house. Dionne Warwick just squeezed into the top 40 with it but I have always had a slight preference for this version by Tina Mason. “Are You There With Another Girl?”

I hear the music coming out of your radio
Are you there with another girl instead of me
I hear your laughter and there’s something I’ve got to know
Are you there with another girl instead of me

Well, I’m standing on your doorstep and I don’t know what to do
Should I ring your doorbell or just walk away
My friends all say that you were never true
Hiding in the shadows

I see two silhouettes in the back of your window shade
Are you there with another girl when I am gone
I can’t believe you’d break the promises that you made
If you’re there with another girl, I can’t go on

Oh, I only know I love you and I couldn’t say goodbye
So if there’s another, I don’t want to know
If you should go, oh, I would surely die
Love requires faith, I’ve got a lot of faith but
I hear the music comin’ out of your radio

Oh, I only know I love you and I couldn’t say goodbye
So if there’s another, I don’t want to know
If you should go, oh, I would surely die
You would never leave me, hurt me or deceive me
I’m a fool to doubt you, worry so about you
Love requires faith, I’ve got a lot in me but
I hear the music coming out of your radio

[Song ends]

“Are You There With Another Girl,” wonders Tina Mason, arranged and conducted by H.B. Barnum for what was supposed to be her breakout album at Capitol Records. Tina Mason Is Something Wonderful. The buying public felt differently and the breakout album never broke out. But Tina Mason kept going. She died about a year and a half ago. The lyrics are by Hal David who died in 2012. And the music is by Burt Bacharach, who took his leave on Wednesday.

69 posted on 11/04/2023 6:45:55 AM PDT by Chickensoup (Genocide is here. Leftist extremists are spearheading the Genocide against conservatives. )
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To: Chickensoup

Thanks for posting. Yes, Mark says that he had two covid jabs.

I thought it interesting to read about Steyn getting multiple passports to be able to travel to different countries.

78 posted on 11/04/2023 7:05:58 AM PDT by Presbyterian Reporter
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To: Chickensoup

#69 He took a long winded way of saying he took 2 Pfizer shots.

121 posted on 11/04/2023 8:43:32 AM PDT by minnesota_bound (Need more money to buy everything now)
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To: Chickensoup
" doesn’t matter if you have the greatest constitution in the world if you have the crappiest election system in the world." - Mark Steyn


145 posted on 11/04/2023 9:32:30 AM PDT by Captain Walker ("It is infinitely better to have a few good Men, than many indifferent ones." - George Washington)
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To: Chickensoup

Mark Steyn stating that he had the first two shots!:

“I had the first two COVID vaccines. My doctor was stunned. I didn’t think I needed them and my doctor was therefore stunned when I agreed to have them, because I never agree to anything. She’s been trying to persuade me to get a colonoscopy for over a decade now. But I did so because a member of my household had an underlying condition. And so I thought it would be safer for her. With what I know since, I know that these things are useless. And even if it didn’t harm me, I don’t think it would harm her either. We have a sort of slightly strange situation in which the Mark Steyn studios, for example, have when all this started, we introduced sort of hospital grade ventilation to the building, just to make the air cleaner or whatever, it’s nothing to do with me. It’s decisions I find out about later. But at the same time, almost all the cameramen on the Mark Steyn Show and the director and all kinds of people think it’s all bollocks and have had nothing to do with these vaccines. So there’s a divergence of opinion.

But I had these first two Pfizer shots. And in fact, actually, I didn’t like....initially I got them at the local firehouse. And that seemed rather cute and small townie to me. And then when I was actually there watching entirely unqualified people, asking the three or four rote questions and then giving you the jab, I felt queasy didn’t seem quite right. But anyway, I got the two things. Did they give me the heart attacks?

Well, as I said, I think it was last week, one of my doctors showed me all this stuff in which he said I think this was the Pfizer shot, but it might be all vaccines, but he certainly showed me the Pfizer data. They act as an accelerant. So that what you.....

In other words, as I explained last week, what would have happened to you at 87, or at 94 shows up a quarter century earlier or 20 years earlier. That’s how it was explained to me as an accelerant. And that’s why there are all these excess deaths among the young and middle aged, because the heart attack you should have got at 60 shows up when you’re 40, which is why we have this excess deaths among the young and the middle aged. Horrible, horrible, but compelling the evidence he showed me.

147 posted on 11/04/2023 9:55:40 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (Flu vaccines, might work, if you’ve never had that flu! Otherwise they don't do any good/nor work!!!)
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The most important thing here is, you want to help Mark, buy his signed Liberty Stick and whack the first Libtard you see.

167 posted on 11/04/2023 12:33:08 PM PDT by StAnDeliver (TrumpII)
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