Older lady: "I truly believed that the people on the other side were not terrorists, they want to live in peace like me. But now we can't trust anyone"
Mother: "I always believed a mother on this side of the borer was like a mother ont he other side.... I don't know if I can go back to believing that"
Young lady: "I am a leftist to my core. In previous rounds of conflict when I would see videos of mothers and children in Gaza, I would cry. Really, my heart would break. Now I see it, and, I don't have that empathy. It's not in me anymore."
A wake-up call for liberals everywhere!
Trusting the left will result in a 2nd Jewish holocaust because the Democrats and the left worldwide want Jews dead.
Frog and scorpion syndrome
“Young lady: “I am a leftist to my core. “
I think we are getting to the source of the problem here.
I never could understand what there was to “free” in Gaza or the West Bank. Israel has not occupied Gaza or the West Bank since 2007. No Israeli civilian ever dare to go to either hellhole for fear of being killed. Each has their own government and crap economy subsidized by the Christian/secular West whom they hate and has Islamic supporters throughout the Mideast who do not want the vermin in their own countries.
And Israel is a tiny country with a tiny population who managed to build a first world economy from nothing in the midst of a sea of Islamic who have zero interest in peace.
Wishful thinking. The cognitive dissonance they are feeling must be intense.
The translations of the Holy Quran being sold to non Muslims have been altered to make Islam look like a religion of peace.
Read a true translation and you will see this has little to do with politics.
In our world what we call terrorism, in their world is just Muslims doing as the Holy Quran commands them.
Who would’ve thought we’d see a pogrom in Russia in this day and age?
The Nazis weren't stopped in WW2. They were just relocated to the United States and integrated into the Democrat Party.