“I don’t support doxxing or swatting. It’s wrong when they do it to conservatives, it just shouldn’t be done.”
If you run a club or an organization. And that publically puts out a statement.
Is it wrong for others to display a picture with the name of those same people?
It does not seem to be the same as saying John B Doe, 1 main st apt 6 sommavul, ma, Jdoe@xxx.com. 617-123-4567
I say fair game on Doxxing. They’d do it in a heartbeat. If you are going to use your whatever status (DEI, gender, nationality affiliation, etc.) coupled with the status of a “Harvard” group something as some sort of an endorsement, embellishment or enhancement then you need to be able to withstand the consequences.
As long as doxxing isn’t illegal in their case, then the more the better. The world needs to see exactly what kind of vermin these supposed world class American institutions are coddling.