Posted on 09/08/2023 8:30:18 AM PDT by Red Badger
The special grand jury in Fulton County in connection with the Trump investigation recommend charging as many as 30 people, including South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsay Graham, former Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler, attorney Lin Wood and former Georgia Sen. David Purdue.
"A majority of the Grand Jury believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it," the report reads. "The Grand Jury recommends that the District Attorney seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling."
You can read the report here: PDF AT LINK............
Trump and 18 co-defendants were charged last month on 13 felony charges related to alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election result in the state.
The charges include charges under the state's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, as well as charges of conspiracy, making false statements and soliciting a public official to violate their oath.
All 19 defendants pleaded not guilty and waived their arraignments.
Why stop at 30? Ridiculous!
Indict all GOP dead or alive , Fani needs a kick in the Fani
This just gets better.
A bunch of morons being led by the nose by the uber moron wants to arrest half the federal government.
We izz da Graaaand Jury of da County of Fulton! Da whole erf revolves around us! When we steals da lection, it stays stealed! Or else we gon Rest You!
Turning into a Third World clown show of the first order.
The Deep State made a call and said Lindsey Graham is working for us.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day and there might be a silver lining to putting Lindsay Graham behind bars. He might even enjoy it - you get to meet all kinds of nice young men I imagine.
Wait , how much will it cost Fulton County to go after all these people or will Soros pay the bills for Fulton County ?
I for one welcome our new Liberal Democrat overlords. /s
Stalin would be so proud....
Barbara: Nice butt. That's what they'll say on your first day, in the men's club.
Ken: The men's club?
Barbara: Mmm. The San Quentin Country Club. With a cute little rear end like that, you'll be the belle of the ball. Your dance card'll be filled every day. You'll be so popular, making all kinds of new, close friends. Big, ugly, hairy friends! Not that you'll ever see what they look like, 'cause you'll be facing the other way.
Ken: You're very good at this. You should write children's books.
You kind of get the impression that the judge’s instructions to the jury didn’t include what is and isn’t a crime . . .
It has only just begun........................
You can indict a Ham Sandwich.
Film at eleven...................
It’s called jumping the shark. Even for the American media consumer automaton, this is getting absurd.
Yeah that grand jury should just go ahead and indict every Trump supporter on the planet. You know they want to.
TDS makes people crazy!
There are more indictments coming.
These are being held in reserve until needed.
They are the ‘Insurance Policy’.....................
A ‘lie’ is anything they don’t like....................
Lindsay Graham is not a Trump supporter.
What about me? I voted for Trump TWICE! Isn’t that two chargeable felonies I’m guilty of? Do I need a lawyer yet?
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