No but at the moment all banks have massive underperforming or even toxic assets and they can't make money. They cannot write new loans or sell any of the stuff they have. If they do try to sell *any of those assets it's a death sentence. Deposits are way down and their people and systems are not funtioning well.
American banks really are in a bad place. Fitch isn't just making $**t up.
Whoa, hold on there….there are a LOT of absolutes in you post.
ALL banks aren’t unprofitable. ALL banks don’t have massive underperforming or toxic assets (and what’s the differentiating factor between the two?). While net loan growth may be tepid, new loans ARE being written (they’re recycling pay downs). They CAN sell securities that are MTM without producing losses.
I bet most banks in 2Q were in the black; quarterly profit in the first quarter for all FDIC-insured banks was $79.8bn. Big and regional banks reported strong results and stocks rallied. That is rather un-gloomy.
Of course the banking sector is stuck in the mud: the govt has sucked away a trillion in liquidity via its competitor RPP, and inflation has driven up rates and choked off mortgage and capital markets fees. Thanks Bidet.
But this isn’t 1929. It isn’t even 2008.