I don't see any DIE or Women's Basket Weaving studies being canceled, but maybe this college had not yet added those courses.
It's a shame to see Mathematics cut but it may be that these are courses that should have been taught in high school. Or, that no one is signing up for the math classes so it is a waste of funds to pay faculty to teach those courses. But, I'm glad to see these two on the chopping block:
PhD Higher Education
EdD Higher Education Administration
Is gender studies on the cut list?
Well, bye.
related article from 8/8/23:
“WVU president Gee to step down in 2025 “
“Last week, the WVU Board of Governors voted to extend Gee’s contract through June 20, 2025. His base salary is $800,000.
University leaders plan to cut 12 graduate and doctorate programs and is evaluating nearly half of its academic programs to make up for the budget deficit. Additionally, officials identified 590 full-time faculty member positions they will review under the departments up for evaluation; roughly 130 jobs will be cut as part of a $7 million in staff reduction.
Academic department leaders have turned in their self-evaluations, which university leaders will use to determine what programs will be cut.
The board is expected to vote Sept. 15 on what programs to discontinue and an appeals process will follow. “
I went there for a four day weekend. I almost died.
I have no clue how anyone graduates.
The decisions regarding which programs to discontinue were based on student enrollment trends, enrollment in majors and departments, and department-level metrics including full-time faculty-to-student ratio and programs’ financial status.
No indication wokeness eliminated though.
But where will the next generation of “Dr.”
Jill Bidens, EdD come from?!?
Once schools went remote during the COVID-1984 lockdowns, how would such a school come back?
WVU has experienced a decrease in enrollment over the past seven years due to population decline in the state of West Virginia
It’s all about the bottom line. If students were paying for the classes, they’d still be offered. It has nothing to do with ethics or practicality.
The courses being cut in Mathematics are graduate level courses which are not expected to be taught in high school. The likely reason is that there are few if any applicants for grad degrees. The subject matter can be very esoteric.
Eliminate education in all foreign languages along with doctorate degrees in mathematics but keep PUPPETRY. The priorities of the left on full display.
Bachelor’s / Morgantown Campus
Puppetry course work includes intensive study in children’s theatre, the practice of puppetry as a theatrical art form, and educational and creative dramatic activity as methods of learning and self-development for children.
The Mathematics degrees are the two degrees that, in part, make a university. It might be a lack of demand. But it has zero to do with any math taught at the high school level.
I’ve see a number of videos online about what they are doing at Hillsdale. Their major initiative is to make it incredibly difficult to be matriculated. They require SATs or ACTs when other schools are eliminating the requirement. They have no identity quotas. You get in based on high school GPA, standardized test scores, an essay and an interview. Because of the high standards they have for students, they do not have remedial courses.
West by God could be doing the same - increasing their standards, cutting remedial courses, and eliminating junk studies and identity Marxism majors. You don’t cut advanced degrees in mathematics. That waters down all the hard sciences degrees you have because advanced mathematics is required for hard sciences, particularly physics, chem, and bio chem. I’m not writing about Newtonian physics or quantum, by the way. The best schools are beyond that and have been for the past 20 years.
Terminate all of the programs whose names start with “diversity” and end with “studies “, then they will have a functioning university.
It never, NEVER occurs to them to cut prices, lower tuition. Real businesses know how to run and stay in business.
If, after lowering prices, some majors / courses still do not attract ‘customers’ then canceling makes sense.
Canceling any courses linked to the woke insanity would make the university a go-to destination.
How refreshing to see a university actually cutting expenses to meet income as opposed to saying just give us more funding.
Thinking about this university keeping a Bachelor’s degree in Puppetry makes perfect sense to the left. It provides them unlimited access to the innocent children who escaped the ‘Killing Fields’ of Planned Parenthood while also keeping a steady bench of players capable of pulling the strings of Democrat politicians: the Resident, the Vice Resident, Feinstein, AOC, just for starters.
I dunno but Spanish, Mandarin and Russia languages might be needed.
Bet trade schools are booming.
People do eventually figure out that you offer crap services or products and avoid you.
math is , lik, HARD dude!
I expect few mellennial/gen-z are up for that sort of rigor.
Reparations studies are more like it nd et them invited to the cool kids parties.