Ah, is up now the new down? We’ve got gas suddenly up around $5 a gallon and some places well over here in Reno. I figured it was some personal in-your-face because I just traded in my 2022 Toyota Corolla Hybrid for a 2023 Chevy Silverado RST.
That little packet they found. That was hers, right? She’s on something heavy.
It is a LIE. Gasoline (and diesel) prices are up at least $.20 per gallon in a week.
Su is out of touch. Apparently, all she has is the talkingpoints.
Prices on many items are not down. They are actually higher than they were a year ago.
Gas prices are ticking up again. A few months ago, they were under $3 and now they are just over $3.
Just saying prices are down doesn’t make it so.
Its incredible. People go to the gas station …. People have seen the latest increases. Are they transitory? To bring up that specific item is naive and borderline retarded
In other news, our weekly chocolate ration has been increased to 15 grams from 25 grams.
”It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week.”
Not here in NH!
Gas prices just wen up last week.
WTF is he talking about gas prices and fuel oil prices are going through the roof.
Gaslighting. Evidently someone thinks if they say it enough people will believe it. Good luck with that. Stop by a gas station to watch the gas prices continue to come down. Yeah right.
Is everyone aware that she is referencing UK gas prices?
I think it is illegal for stores to raise the prices of their products so they can sell at a “discount” which is the regular price.
What the Ds are doing is the same thing.
I guess no one mentioned the OPEC cuts to the government.
2022 sucked.
The correct baseline for comparison is 2019.
BULL CRAP! Gas prices here have gone up $.40 + per gallon over the past 8 weeks.... Heating oil has gone up almost $.30 in the past 4 weeks!
Gas prices were 40 cents a gallon cheaper— two weeks ago.It’s not due to the “seasonal additives” changeover. Cause we aren’t in winter... yet.
I was in Kroger the other day and an 18 pack of XL eggs was $1.50, last year it was over $3.
So some prices have retreated.
LIAR! Gas is $3.65 A gallon here in northeast Oklahoma! We’re spending almost twice as much for food as we were under Trump! So tired of the lies!
“This gaslighting is unbelievable”
They continue to count on the sublime ignorance and apathy of the majority of their mind-numbed supporters and constituents. It has worked so well for them in the past. Leftists (Democrats) are not rooted in reality or truth and never have been. Quite the opposite.
“And there’s more good news”, said Secretary Wu, “we are increasing your chocolate rations from 25 grams to 20 grams a week.”