A little slow on the uptake, aren’t we?
22 years later and from fibby:
Eff ‘em. Don’t care.
Target - bldg 5?
Squirrel !
One of my best friends had a possible hijacking in the making on the morning of 9/11 on a DCA flight. The flight was canceled and the 3 muslim men were very quietly angry - seething actually about the cancellation. They got off the plane after they got to the gate and disappeared.
Trying to give us those warm and fuzzy feelings when The FBI actually meant something and the nation was still united.
A pathetically feeble attempt to gain some back some respect from the public. The fbi will forever be scorned by all decent Americans, dishonored after being exposed for their disgusting and dishonest corruption.
Too little, too late. A pox on their house. I spit in their general direction.
Bit late to the party pal.
I feel better. The FBI is right on it.
Well, let’s just take everyone’s attention away from the Biden family, shall we?
Now the mockingbird media has something else to put on the front pages of tomorrow’s website headlines.
Good thing the feds are johnny on the spot.
I’d rather know about its LL Bean subscriptions
Yeah we knew about this on FR the same day.
Exactly whose side is the FBI on, again? I’m confused on that little point.
Maybe 22 years from now we’ll find out who hijacked the 2020 election.
22 years.
Top men are on it. Top men.
I seem to recall stories soon after 9/11 that aircraft that were rerouted during the immediate grounding of all aircraft had suspicious passengers deplane. I recall a story where a plane was diverted to a midwestern airport (St Louis maybe) and small groups of foreign passengers exited and disappeared. I’m sure there were more aircraft that were to be sequenced and timed to crash into more targets like the Capitol, White House, Pentagon, etc.
And the Fifth Hijacker was....Donald Trump!
*I was lurking then. 9/11 was when I found FR.
Instead of acknowledging events that didn’t actually take place, maybe the fbLie could enlighten us a little on Flight 800 - something that did actually happen.