Northern Idaho was once one of those places that conservatives really wanted to go to in order to get away from the liberal garbage. Now, it seems that the liberals want to come in and destroy things in Idaho.
Kellogg is considered the southern end of what’s considered northern Idaho.
It saddens me that something like this can occur in northern Idaho.You never would have thought about this happening up there even five years ago. It would never have been allowed to happen
I'm reminded of all the counties in Oregon who have tentatively voted to leave the Communist paradise of Oregon and become part of Idaho. Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
Yeah, very sad to see this in Kellogg. The population of Kellogg is under 2,500 and I often make a day trip to the atea when visiting a friend in Spokane.
In a way I’m not surprised it has attracted the homo-depraved element with the abundance of preserved historic homes from mining days. Homo-depraved seem to be especially attracted to those. And the ski resort, which unfortunately I have to share with them.