He’s SUCH a pro-government pantywaist.
What happens if i go and see what Asa has said about “collusion” in the past? Somehow i suspect he is on the wrong side of history again. Imagine Trump using his years long persecution as a talking point.
The actions of the DOJ undermine all law enforcement
These are the same group of republicans that refuse to see that Trump isn’t dwelling on the election loss but believes we need to repair the cheating. No, we can’t defund the FBI, we just have to live with it. The McRomBushes need to sack up and fight. How about we 1. fire the top half of the FBI, 2. Allow underlings to squeal on upper management and for every year of imprisonment you get a bump in pay. 3. The same with DOJ. 4. Stop being pussies! 5. We don’t need more blather from republicans, we need to see actual results (jail time).
I need my BP meds now!