Who benefits? Amazonk and UPS. This also keeps Postal Workers busy/ I just bought some insoles from Amazonk after perusing 10 different types. Where else could I find such a selection? Ebay is also very good. I prefer eBay mostly. More bargains there.
For a computer phobic friend.... I just ordered one of a kind exotic shoes from an independent website. No wonder retail is collapsing.
“Who benefits? Amazonk and UPS.”
Amazon is also laying off people.
There are cheaper options now
I won’t use EBay again because it insists my VISA card has to go on Ebay’s payments plan. I do not buy anything with monthly payments. Cash or no buy. Pay Pal hijacks my payments after I have declined PayPal and then charges me the price which has already gone out of my VISA account and insists that I MUST make the monthly payments. They did it to me twice in the course of 18 months and I now will not order anything from any site that has PayPal for an option. PayPal evidently has some sort of registry for people who are required to use it if it is a listed option. It is the United Airlines of banking services