Again, worthless Tejas. The police are worthles, too. If there is an illegal shooting his illegal AR 15 in your backyard. TAKE HIM OUT FIRST.
The shooter was firing his gun in his own yard-and it is not illegal to have an AR 15 here-he was not in anyone else’s yard-but shooting for no reason is illegal in most cities/towns and rural areas with houses closer than a few acres-but you still can’t just run outside and shoot someone for firing a gun, mojado or not-they have to be attacking you/your property. He was told to stop by deputies, but he is obviously a lunatic, like mass shooters tend to be, so he went psycho-he’s probably stolen a car/gotten on a bus and is in Mexico by now, so extradition will come into play. Too bad the deputies didn’t arrest the lunatic when the neighbors called and complained...
I don’t know what state you live in, but I’d be interested to know what happens there “If there is an illegal shooting his illegal AR 15 in your backyard. TAKE HIM OUT FIRST”-what happens to the person who does something so irresponsible as that? You really need to have a good and obvious reason, legally speaking for shooting someone in their own yard-but if you do, then no harm no foul...