Posted on 04/23/2023 5:32:14 PM PDT by rod5591
Governor DeSantis said the Republican Party “needs to shake a culture of losing that has developed in recent years,” because in “in times like these, there is no substitute for victory.”
“As I look ahead to 2024, I believe if the Democrats are able to sweep the offices again… they will pack the U.S. Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College and make Washington, D.C. a state and eliminate voter ID in every jurisdiction,” he said.
DeSantis said his reelection win in 2022 showed that voters supported his leadership during the pandemic. Leadership “is about delivering results,” he said, adding that he believes his record is why people are moving to Florida more than any other state in the union.
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Winning with a closet Democrat is not winning. (I don’t believe Desantis is a closet Democrat) but winning for the sake of winning means nothing.
RdS shoulda told them to lose loser Romney.
He’s not stretching the truth to say all that and more is probably at stake in 2024. Too bad so many on our side are hellbent on pissing it away.
1. Cheat-by-mail-in ballots with no signature verification.
2. No chain of custody for ballots trucked to a third-party location to be "counted."
3. Taking more than a week to declare a winner.
Nothing was done to fix all of the above after 2020. Just ask Kari Lake. The Uniparty will use the same methods to defeat any and all MAGA candidates in future elections. If we ever do get another Republican in the White House, it will be a RINO.
It takes a state legislature to do those fixes. The state legislatures are responsible for elections. Too many legislatures with GOP majorities are controlled by old bulls who have been in office far too long. The GOP rank-in-file voter needs to take the bull by the horns and retire these fossils. And yes Trump should have spent time encouraging this.
He doesn't need to talk about Trump. He's talking about winning elections.
DeSantis comes across I increasingly like a parrot. nothing new on his own, just repeated or slightly revised words some one else said.
Trump won twice.
Why the US Military enabled the stolen election and installation of a puppet Commander in Chief, we don’t know.
And even with that steal, there is more MAGA in DC than in 2017..
That’s thanks to Trump.
If one is Anti MAGA, then it’s to be blamed on Trump.
Trump infiltrated a swamp party and has been trying to fight its swampiness as he’s been fighting the D party..
MAGA is a part of the R party whether the Swamp R party wants to admit it..
And that leader is Trump
Trump fought the swamp by filling almost his entire administration with Poppy and Jr Bush's JV team.
But we're told here that it's DeSantis who is the "establishment" candidate.
R Swamp is deep too, isn’t it Drew?
Is the Swamp R incapable of infiltration into MAGA?
Especially in a city they co-own with Democrats?
I think that is likely what happened in Michigan, the state house and senate were both lost for the first time in many decades. The voters here just got tired of the do-nothings just like the federal level. Nothing was done about the election fraud, they could have passed a flurry of voter reforms and made WHitler veto them, instead they did nothing. The days of voting for the lesser of evils is over in deep red districts, it’s not automatic anymore.
And term limits don’t work either, they could have passed items and moved along as they would get tossed by law anyway, but no.
Dumb question here. I know very little about the ‘internals’ of Michigan politics. What made them so lethargic? Is it just because they were in office fir so long they just ‘fat, dumb & self-satisfied ‘? Did fear of the race card play any role?
It was RINO-controlled state legislatures who allowed Democrats to cheat.
no republican wins in 2024 because no republican has come to grips with the scale of the democrat vision for 2024 voting.
Too bad so many on our side are hellbent on pissing it away.
You mean the GOP members have much larger urine capabilities?
Some claim bigger is better.........
Bingo! You must hate being right most of the time.
That’s been my point!
And the voters either are OK with it or don’t care.
I don’t see them being punished.
Looking north of me that’s certainly the case in Pennsylvania.
Note: Maybe they have been in other states and I’m not aware if it.
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