USA will join France in raising social security eligibility age, because we are probably more bankrupt than France as measured by Debt/GDP ratio. Neocons have destroyed America with unnecessary foreign wars participation.
Vietnam was fiasco in blood and treasure.
Followed by Afghan & Iraq wars. But Neocons never give up.
Continuing the stupidity in Ukraine.
For once, I agree with you.
Yes we will. In addition, payroll taxes will be raised dramatically. Both republicans and democrats will support this. There's no other political option.
SS was never meant to be funded by general revenues in the 1st place. Nor should SS contributions have ever been tappable for anything but running the SS system itself, and benefits to retired workers.
Add to that the demographic problem (fewer workers and more old people living longer.) France has that sort of demographic problem, a little worse than the US.
I’m not saying a high Debt to GDP is good - far from it, but THIS problem is only loosely tied to gov’t debt., and really should be independent.
but raise the govt retirement age as well....its nonsense that govt employees start collecting so early....its pure insanity....
The USA will raise the social security age however, the age will raised predicted on race. Blacks won’t see a raise because of “equity.” Book it.
Big pharma billions to Moderna n Pfizer, plus paying peanuts pls and businesses to hide under their sinks and do nothing during covid was another type a f war.
It is the most expensive war in our country. The war of totalitarianism via corporations against every freedom we were founded with.