Hitler, Mao, and the Kim family of North Korea all positioned themselves as fighters against Western decadence in their time. So did the Ayatollah Khomeini and the mullahs of Iran.
For the West the simple question is are we decadent?
I go back to Howard K. Smith writing in “Last Train From Berlin” about Nazi Germany
“In Germany there is no pornography...there is art”
The judiciary in the Western nations said in essence pornography is art from the 1950’s to the 1970’s then new technologies spread the “art” far and wide.
The “Lust Virus” has spread and metastasized.
The consequences are to be seen everywhere including your children’s school classrooms-curriculum.
Yeah. And he’s acting as if he cares about Russian kids,
when he’s killing what he hopes will soon be Russian kids
in the Ukraine.
So many people with mush for brains these days.
It’s like the tower of Babel all over again. Mass chaos
and folks were are sure they are on the right side
betraying their own nation.
I don’t have to think everything we have done is right
to realize new leadership will likely be here in time.
Who is going to come to our rescue, when these Judeses
have sold us out fulfilling Soros wildest dreams?