Wow. I forgot TJ said that.
I am very opposed to the “all cops are scum” refrain. Certainly these cops that beat that young man to death are scum, but do they represent all cops?
If they do, then they are a reflection on the scum that hired them. And the scum who voted for the scum that hired these scum cops in the first place.
It’s a downright shame that cops across the country have been defunded. A shame that cities like Memphis, Atlanta, Portland, Minneapolis and so many other places have allowed Antifa, BLM, black racism and anarchy forcing out good competent police officers leaving in place punks and thugs like these cops in Memphis.
Good points. The Memphis Police Dept. leadership may be in real trouble, and deservedly so, if the report that at least one of these guys had a history of going seriously overboard pans out.