That’s right. The vax was the lesser evil. It got us out of a much larger mess.
“The vax was the lesser evil. It got us out of a much larger mess.”
That’s true. It was the mandates that were truly evil. The better option would have been to create a “vaccine” that was 100% placebo — saline or something
Of course, how would that help create great wealth for big pharma? How would it help Fauci create 70% of his total wealth over the last three years?
What is this locked down you speak of? That only applied to blue places and the people who live there that evidently like being abused. The company I work for gained new clients because the competition closed down. My ex-wife works at a nursing home and has never been forced to take the jab. Kids went back to school here in Fall 2020.
The world doesn’t revolve around a half a dozen blue cities/states.
Trump lives in a bubble. Trump is unable to admit he’s ever done a single wrong thing. Trump still hangs out with Graham and desperately wants to be liked by RINOs like Graham and McCarthy.