By now, the Dems. Have a much more powerful weapon to use in 2024 against the GOP, the garbage uttered by Kanye West which the Left now tries to link conservatives with this YE-loser.
May God save and protect our country.
Yep- Seems like all the stars are aligned Against the GOP and Trump in terms of Evil having it’s way against them- It’s like everything that could go wrong, to the benefit of the left and their evil, did go wrong and benefits them most of the time-
Don’t know Why God is allowing it- but He is- He could end the evil by exposing the left to the point that they get arrested for their crimes and whatnot, and good and truth woudl prevail once again, but He isn’t doing that- at least not yet- Would be nice if whistleblowers from the left woudl come forward and expose the whole corrupt regime of liberals-