I don’t understand why people want someone running for national office to declare themselves on the abortion issue.
The Supremes have sent the matter back to the States, and it’s for the State Legislatures to decide now.
The issue has been political suicide for some, as SauronOfMordor noted in this post:
I realize, Morgana, that this is probably your most important issue; but sometimes you need to be strategic and set the stage for possible future accomplishment.
Democrats do. It motivates a lot of their base.
Some people are very passionately against allowing women access to abortion. Some people are very passionate on the other side. Many (perhaps most) are not very passionate either way, having other issues (crime, economy, etc) as higher in their priorities.
What we have seen this election is, for every person who is passionate against abortion, there are MORE who are passionate the other way. Not necessarily wanting third trimester abortions, but wanting at least first trimester.
You can rail against me all you want, but I am in category 3. If I had a candidate who was solidly free market, willing to expel illegal aliens, and be effective against crime, then he would have my vote without regard to his abortion position.