Posted on 11/04/2022 7:28:42 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
On the day that Joe Biden was sworn into office, he signed dozens of extensively radical executive orders. Then the Biden administration began populating the federal government and the federal Judiciary — including the new Supreme Court vacancy — with hundreds (probably thousands) of the most extreme anti-American people imaginable.
The administration has re-crafted an enormous number of laws and regulations — often illegally — to push the hard-left, woke, LGBT agendas throughout business, government, education, and society in general. U.S. foreign policy, including the hideous abandonment in Afghanistan and unhinged Ukrainian response, has clearly been coordinated to weaken America and strengthen our enemies. Our military is being emasculated — and proselytized to consider patriotic Americans as the enemy.
The Biden administration ignores our immigration laws and welcomes millions of illegal aliens to swarm across our southern border, and then methodically ships them to cities across the country (and even gives them cell phones to use).
The administration's aggressive "green new deal" is paralyzing our transportation system and causing crippling inflation never seen in this country before. Federal agencies, spearheaded by the Justice Department and FBI, have viciously become weaponized against conservatives, at the same time allowing "Antifa" and other left-wing hoodlum groups to terrorize citizens at will.
As many have observed, it's a controlled demolition of America.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
So who is the power behind the curtain? A lot of people say it's Barack Obama, or maybe Susan Rice. But the truth is that neither of them is capable of orchestrating something on this scale. Obama never really got anywhere on his own, and Susan Rice is a middleweight at best.
This has all the fingerprints of the Soros organization. The people there are extremely intelligent and proficient, they passionately hate America, they've been leading up to this for several decades, and they have access to untold wealth and influence. Everything mentioned above is something they are more than capable of organizing and carrying out.
OBUGGERY has been at the helm!
The Snowflakes have been running the country. No telling who will be running it once they all get their Dummy School Loan money and take off on drunken and high “vacations”.
I believe it’s called lining one’s pocket!? There are some few that care but seems these days it all about setting themselves to be able to maintain their and their family comfort level. And, with the current windfalls (right?) who can blame them. Me? Too many skeletons and to old to run. 😎👍
Ron Klain is at the helm and doing s poor job. He has run the Country into the ground.
the media moguls tell the dems what they want them to do, and they do it. The dem party hasn’t had an original thought in decades, they’re just puppets doing the dirty work of the moguls.
RE: OBUGGERY has been at the helm!
As the article says:
A lot of people say it’s really Barack Obama, or maybe Susan Rice. But the truth is that neither of them is capable of orchestrating something on this scale. Obama never really got anywhere on his own, and Susan Rice is a middleweight at best.
China Mitch McConnell and his Wife’s Communist Chinese Family have spread $$$Millions around DC - they don’t care who wins - they care who takes their bribe money.
Makes me wonder if it’s ALWAYS this way, and the folks in DC know it. (With the exception of Trump, which could be why they hate him so).
Goebbels Principles of Propaganda
Propaganda must be planned and executed by only one authority. ...
The media are thus the purveyors of the Democrat Propaganda that is developed by one authority that is Top Secret
leftism is now baked into much of the government ruling America.
still Obama’s eight years in office had done its damage
<><>politicization and weaponization of federal agencies,
<><>victimization becoming a virtue,
<><>government intruding into Americans’ health decisions
<><>massive damage by his Justice Department,
<><>coerced cities into “consent decrees” that neutered police forces
<><> fully engaged feds in the cult of progressivism
<><>white supremacy invented,
<><>environmental extremism,LBGTQXYZ fanaticism, open borders lockstep,
<><>govt workers seeking to derail Trump the duly elected president,
This treachery culminated in November 2020 when the government colluded with the media and social media to execute a coup against the sitting president under the guise of “The most secure election in American history”. And it is that coup with which Barack Obama achieved his greatest success in “transforming” the United States because it inflicted Joe Biden on us to give Obama a third term.
They care. They just can’t do anything about it.
I agree 100% with this article that senile Joe is just a figurehead. But there is absolutely no good way to prove it. The GOP should not go down that path; its a fool’s errand.
The boomers created this mess. Now we have generations that don’t even know their sex.
Ding ding ding we got a winner.
And no one will get a straight answer about that as long as our congress critters are getting their rice bowl filled on a regular basis.
Keep up with the Kabuki - keep getting paid.
Obama a third term indeed shutting down the pipe line and no drilling was the first give away he hates everything about this country he can’t escape his revenge for the slave deal.
He can’t hide his hate for white (everyone is allowed on the bus but some are going to have to set in the back).
Michelle (for the first time in my life I feel good about my country).
The list is long many democrats hate this country and prove it
**who is really running the country?**
Nebuchadnezzar knows!
Daniel 4:34-37
“Job number one is openly exposing the “shadow government” that is really running America, and doing everything possible to drive them completely out.”
Demorats had four years to create this O’Biden Presidency.....they certainly did have time to orchestrate it.
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