“Those sentences indicate that I am wrong. To me, it indicates a change away from the Obama Iranian nuclear treaty legacy to the Trump Abrams Accord policy both Israel and the regional Arabs are committed to.”
Wow! Thanks! I really appreciate that update. I totally had missed that.
It would be nice if mutual cooperation between Arab countries & Israel could be developed... I am skeptical... but hopeful! But, Iran is quite a fly-in-the-ointment forpeace anywhere!
Here are two links providing info on the coalition that is essentially anti Iran but much more. The Abrams agreements were put together by President Trump and paved the way for the Negev Summit.
The Negev Summit was participated by America and More Arab countries than in the Abrams agreements
The outcome is the Arabs dropping the strong ties to the Palestinians and making strong commercial and miltary ties to Israel.
I wondered about the Biden commitment because even though participating in the Negev Summit the administration was simultaneously still messing about with a new nuclear deal with Iran.