Posted on 09/11/2022 9:48:14 PM PDT by conservative98
Curtis Sliwa voices concern about the memory of the September 11 fleeing Americans: "You better wake up because in some cave in south Yemen, in Afghanistan, there's a group of men honoring their jihadists .. they intend on dong it again. America beware. We put this out of sight, out of mind but they never forget and they always prepare and they are ready to come at us again."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The Rats are exploiting 9-11 to brand Trump supporters as terrorists.
The Rats never GAF about the Country.
The Rats can GTH.
Today’s college graduates (and the youngest members of our first responders and military) have no conscious memories of their own of that day when their elder awakened to the fact that oceans (and secure land borders!) could no longer protect us from foreign invaders.
They only “know” what they have seen on sanitized and redacted TV.
Yes, exactly. What he said.
All over on this day of remembrance you see signs, videos, etc. bla bla bla about “we remember”. Saw one in church this morning.
But in reality, we don’t remember sh!t. For one thing, we don’t remember that ISLAM!!! was the ideological source of this attack. Oh, George W. Deep State Bush denied that “this is about ISLAM” but it damn sure is.
In all of that “we remember” crap I have not heard Islam mentioned ONCE. Not ONCE.
And it’s not merely “extremist islam”. ALL islam is extremist! ALL of it. “Peaceful Muslims”are nothing more than sleeper cells for militant islam.
There is no GOD allah. Allah is just another mask of satan. And mohammed is satan’s pedophile “prophet”.
We will see another, worse attack from the “religion of peace” precisely because we don’t remember.
Meanwhile in the Mid East we have just rearmed our enemies in Afghanistan during the Biden bug out and we begged the Saudis to please pump more oil for a huge pile of money.
The Deep State is running a series Jihad on the Constitution and Our Republic.
Good point.
9/11 was forgotten by 2008, the year someone named Hussein was elected President.
I was so hoping that Curtis Sliwa was going to be elected Mayor of NYC this time. In spite of all his knowledge and qualifications (or maybe because of them) it was not to be.
I thought if Curtis would at least remove that Red Beret, he may have had a better chance. As long as he keeps wearing that Red Beret, the locals will only see him as that same rablerouser they grew up reading about in the paper. The average person would find it hard to take Curt seriously or as someone separate from the Red Beret cause.
I am far more concerned over the deep state than Islamist attacks.
Good point on the beret. I never thought about that. You may well be correct.
Yep. The Democratic party is a much greater threat.
Agree. Almost missed it today. Did my usual search and watch of documentaries
And prayers for all
God bless Betty Ong
approx 6min; Trump at around 3m40s:
Trump’s surprise return to Washington and Biden heads to the Pentagon for 9/11.
Bookmark 🔖
History Channel has been showing unedited footage of 9/11. Also have been showing footage from people in the area that day. It’s been going on all day. As long as we have this type of recounting, we will not forget.
Good Muslims do what the Koran says.
Peaceful Muslims are not good Muslims.
The Muslims beheading infidels and conquering for Islam are good Muslims.
You’re preaching to the choir here Curtis.
I’ve been saying the next 9/11 is coming over our southern border every hour of every day.
The Democrats want this to happen.
They want to deliver this nation on a leash to an envious world.
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