To: Kathy in Alaska
Syracuse fight song from my old Syracuse U days 70 years ago!
===========The Saltine Warrior is a bold, bad man,
And his weapon is a pigskin ball,
When on the field he takes a good, firm stand,
He's the hero of large and small.
He will rush toward the goal with might and main
His opponents all fight, but they fight in vain,
Because the Saltine Warrior is a bold, bad man,
And victorious over all.
=========== Click to play
61 posted on
09/08/2022 7:12:36 PM PDT by
(Fiat Lux ["Let there be Light, God's Light"])
To: imardmd1
Nice fight song...thanks, imardmd1, for sharing. ((HUGS))
115 posted on
09/09/2022 12:39:48 AM PDT by
Kathy in Alaska
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