House cannot pass unconstitutional legislation on its own.
Takes Senate and President as well.
Then has to survive SCOTUS.
NFA-34 is the model they are going to try for.
After all, it is “Settled Law” that has been in force for nearly a hundred years.
Should have been repealed or ruled unconstitutional from the day of passage.
But the MSM of the time worked the same sort of hysteria that is being pushed now.
It was a miss from the first day. But, here we are.
I tend to think that the "tax" and controls on fully automatic weapons and artillery ("destructive devices") will stand because they are "unusual and dangerous," although they are "unusual" only because of the law itself.
I tend to think the restrictions on "short barreled" weapons and suppressors will go, as well as any state or Federal "assault weapons" bans and high capacity magazine bans. This is strongly suggested by the reversals and remands coming out of Bruen.
Well, they’ve got this on the table in the event that there’s a mass shooting that fills the bill between now and the midterms. When it fails, blame the Republicans.