Good for her. It shows that she cares more about Wyoming than DC.
“As Cheney leads Jan. 6 committee in Washington, her rival marches in parades back home”
quintessential DC swamp creature wallowing in the slime ...
She lacks common sense, and both situational and personal awareness. She bashes and stabs the most popular President in history, and comes across as a nasty, dyke, bitch.
Wyoming primary is August 16. We’re one month away from Cheney’s unceremonious firing by the electorate.
Apparently Cheney believes that The Fix is in.
Lizard grew up in Northern Virginia, not Wyoming. She’ll be a big hit with the Marxists if she switches from Assistant Democrat to Communist. Lizard already is acting as one.
Liz is to busy with her kangaroo court antics to think about the people of WY.
Liz is to busy with her kangaroo court antics to think about the people of WY.
Liz is to busy with her kangaroo court antics to think about the people of WY.
Gee, I wonder why Cheney’s trailing by 22 points back home.
Lizzie Cheney took an axe, and gave The Donald forty whacks. Careful with that axe, Liz.
One is doing a useless task in Washington, and the other is preparing to do the job that the voters want from her.
Liz Cheney is vying for the “Barbara Boxer Award” β who the hell is she and wasn’t she in politics once?
There were previous winners but I can’t remember who they were.
Jan. 6 Committee = CHEYNEY’S Last Stand
In 6 months this turd will be definitively flushed. Then we’ll never have to hear about her again unless one of the Democrat propaganda channels wants to give her a platform. Even if so, she’ll never hold political power again.
Itβs easy to make a campaign donation to Harriet Hageman here:
Liz Cheney must go!
She isn’t as stupid as we think. She will lose the primary, the Democrats will encourage their candidate to drop out and she will run as an Independent (so that Democrats, the never Trumpers Daddy and Hollywood can dump millions into her campaign).
The J6 Committee hearings are Cheney’s last hope and she is down by over 20 points below her opponent. She brought this on all by herself based on her own vengeance. Members of this committee are real losers so Cheney can be judged accordingly.