This was started by American marxist and con artist Jeremy Rifkin of the fake People’s Bicentennial Commission (PBC) in 1976 and the pro -Hanoi Citizens Committee of Inquiry into US War Crimes in Vietnam.
Rifkin later changed the old PBC into an extortion type racket (a prototype template for Black Lives Matter) known as the People’s Business Commission. He used the cow carts-methane argument to transform himself into an environmentalist leader.
There is a lot on him on the internet including Frank Watson’s and others testimony about July 1976 before the Sen. Internal Security Subcom., Sen Judiciary Committee and at
Thanks for the mention. These guys have fooled a lot of
people, who desperately wish to believe they have found a
wonderful enlightened leader, that really cares about them
and humanity.
This guy is power hungry. He’d kill half the planet if it
would serve his purposes.
If only his followers could grasp who he actually is.
Rifkin started as an ideological Marxist and then realized he could make money at it, much like the Clintons. Communists hate capitalism but they love other people’s money.