Leftists can’t determine gender in scientific terms.
They want the keys to lopitofames and addadicktomes.
They can’t grasp what is Constitutional or isn’t.
It’s beyond their powers to know what’s legal or reasoned
when it comes to voting.
They have no idea that a fetus is a living human being.
Asked they balk at a straight answer. Is it a fish? Is it
a dog? Is it a mouse? What is it if not human? Crickets.
Now they fail to grasp death, and our ability to live one
two or three more years due to sheer willpower.
Oh but these are the folks who want to explain the birds,
bees, and chameleons to children. They should also
decide for us who reads to them. They want to decide for
us who stuffs dollar bills down Bob, er Bobby’s G-String.
They also want to tell big business what they have to do.
They want to tell us whether the Constitution is valid,
or if it’s okay to have immigration laws.
It is they who should judge jury and executioner for the
Much of this touches on God’s directives. Oh, but they
are convinced they rule over Him too.
Huh? even Ruth agreed that roe v wade was a BS decision.