I prefer to use mine to make explosives.
Just my luck - get handcuffed, with my pants on the ground, in the front yard with all sirens blaring. I’ll pass so to speak.
What F**ing idiot came up with this idea? Wanna come by my house and see the dead grass where my small pups created a dead spot?
Alternative fertilizer ping
Liberals are morons. What else is in urine?? They don’t know.
You don’t use it directly on plants. You add it to your compost heap. It works superbly as a high potash compost activator. Months later you dig your mature compost into the soil. Gardeners have been doing this for generations.
I gotta go pee.
Be back in a minute.
There is enough acid in fresh urine to kill plants.
NEVER pee directly on them. Store the urine and apply it after it has been sitting for at least a month, in order for the Ph to neutralize.
I built a rabbit cage with a sloped catch bin underneath. Urine and poop pellets were collected and shoveled into a planting area in the yard. Grew a lot of plants that way. But I would never use human pee and poop, nope! The smell is tolerable with rabbit piss, but disgusting to think of handling human piss in a garden.
Chinese do it #1 and #2 for their gardens.
My Chinese Parents Use Pee and S*** To Grow Food
Speaking of pee.....
Bob was driving along a desolate country backroad when he ran out of gas...
he got out of his car and found he had no can in the trunk to get gas...It was miles to a station...
All of a sudden a bee buzzed by his head...It landed on his shoulder and Bob heard the bee ask him “Have you got trouble?”
Bob looked at the bee and said “I’m out of gas...”
The bee said just open the cap and wait a minute...The bee took off...Bob opened the gas cap and within a few seconds, the bee came buzzing back with hundreds of bees following...
They flew into the tank and in a minute, they all flew back out....
The bee landed on Bob’s shoulder again and said “Try it now...”
Bob got in the car and it cranked right up...
Bob said “how did you do that? What did you do???”
The bee grinned and said “BP”
So our wheat crop just need two hundred people peeing in my fields every day?
My garden says no this is fake news.
Organic farming didn’t work out too well for the Sri Lankans.
(Milwaukee takes their sludge and turns it into Milorganite which they then sell. Who knows what they collect in the Milwaukee Sewers!)
We may have to at the rate Biden is F’ing everything up.
I pee on the grass all the time.
Know what I see when I come back?
Grass that has turned yellow dead.
It’s got Electrolytes.
Pee has lots of nitrogen, a key plant nutrient. Best use is in your compost pile.
I expected all of the childish jokes and reflexive (i.e. uninformed ) comments about how disgusting this is, etc. The simple fact is that we flush a valuable resource down the toilet several times a day, And end up using chemical fertilizers or nothing at all. There is an intelligent and mature way to approach this.
Piss on Democrats instead!