“At $10 a gallon everything stops. If you work 20 miles away from home you are losing money “
Wait what? Why are so many people math illiterates. Not that ten bucks gas is not a pain in the butt. Europeans have paid 9 plus a gallon equivalent for years. If you have a 40 mile per day round trip commute which is farther than 80% of all Americans who commute less than 30 per day. The NHTSA keeps track of that yearly number btw it’s free data to download by zipcode.
So 40 miles per day with a average sedan getting 30 mpg is 1.33 gals per day which at ten bucks a gallon is $13.30 in fuel to get too and from work. At $15 per hour which is rapidly becoming the absolute minimum wage that’s about 45 min worth of work to pay for the commute in and home. Hardly losing money. For the middle class making $50000 a year that’s $4166 gross in income per month and $266 in fuel for a 5 day a week 4 weeks in a month 40 mile round trip at 30 mpg. Most assuredly not losing money.
Ten bucks sucks for the American not used to it but it’s not the apocalypse that the internet is hyperventilating about. The EU is as large as the USA in land are and population they have $9+ gal petrol and they are not all Mad Max.
The avg American drives 13,500 miles up from 12,000 last decade per year at
30 mpg that’s 450 gals per year of fuel or $4500 at ten bucks a gal or $375 per month. Not exactly world ending. I spend more per week on cigars and scotch. The point is if Europe can function on $9+ fuel America can too it just makes people angry that we have oil in the ground and are being kept from using it that part is worth being angry at. The larger problem is lack of refinery capacity especially in the North East they shut down 4 or 8 in the last few years and have a critical gap in the ability to make fuels regardless of the supply of raw materials. That problem won’t be solved anytime soon as the EPA won’t permit new facilities and even if they did the banks won’t finance any new hydrocarbon production nor refinery. Americans will need to learn to do more with less that’s just a fact. Even if the GOP gets back in the fall it will be grid lock till 2024 and there is no way to.force banks to finance projects woke investors have told them not too.
Did you purposely decide to not calculate the total cost that must be added onto every industry because of the increased energy cost? Your little story is pure B$ and the total cost to every American that will result because of $10.00 a gallon gasoline is astronomical.