>>>>>Dear God, this is horrible. What’s also awful is the immediate politicization of 10 people being slaughtered by a madman. On the left AND the right. The right assumes false flag/mkultra scenario, the left screams all Republicans are violent racists. It’s possible this guy is simply evil.
THIS... 10000% This.<<<<<
I’m with you two. Well said, SE Mom.
There is a lot we don’t know, of course. Mental illness could be a factor, too. Onset of schizophrenia usually occurs around his age. If it’s true he was considered so bright in high school, the rather incoherent ramblings of his recent postings point to a mind coming apart. He recently started college and drugs may have played a part.
All this false flag/Reichstag fire/crisis actor stuff every time anything happens is getting *so* tiresome, as is the left’s racism obsession.
AMEN to that!
May your "common sense" continue to prevail!