I get your drift, but to act as if he’s been the nice guy is
really absurd.
I have been in a war, ditch your emotions, there are no “ nice guys” in war. That said, Vlad has excercised restraint from levelling cities, he could have taken out Kiev water supply, electricity, sewage, gas, but left infrastructure intact.
Look at non western MSM pics of Mariupol, leveled, flattened,not much spared, he sent a message to the Neo Nazi stronghold’s, the clue was when I read Kadyrov was directing the Marioupol assault.Mariupol was the single largest Neo Nazi stronghold, Azov battalion training centers, barracks, etc…they are now “:denazified”….a pile of rubble.
It’s humorous to read some people’s excuse for logic these
Mariupol is smack dab in the middle of the land mass at the
southern border of the Ukraine. It sits on the land area
that is on top of the AZOV gas preserves. That land mass
is the area that has frontal access to those preserves under
the sea adjacent.
He’s not there for the NAZIs, using NAZI tactics. He’s
there to annex the AZOV Gas Preserve.
Mariupol is the last city standing between him and doing
that. One of his top officials stated that Russia wants
that land to connect to an area in Moldova.
Putin is now in the process of annexing all of the Ukraine’s
ports and that preserve. What that had to do about Russian
security is lost on me.
I’m certain you folks can explain how we forced Russia to
connect to Moldova also.
To do that, he’s going to have to take Odessa and that
region also.
Yeah, the CIA has been training the NAZIs in Ukraine. Just like they did with the Afghan mujahideen, Taliban, Al Queda, etc. It never turns out to make the world better or more peaceful or more pro-American. It’s almost as if the CIA is working hard for some other entity.