The Democrat’s plan is coming together
Liberals must be giddy over this.
I hope Republican representatives read Free Republic because I want to tell them to save there fake virtue signaling. Where have you been until now? It’s election season so you crawl out from your rocks to do the least possible to keep your seats. Not this time. You should have fought for Trump as YOUR CONSTITUANTS have since the 2020 election was stolen from US. And now you complain about Biden’s America??? You are not virtuous or honorable and do not deserve the place we put you. Let me tell you, I am not voting for any encumbents. Not locally, regionally, or nationally. Rot in hell. I’d strip you of every penny We The People paid you and... your retirement if I could. What a waste.
It’s terrible out there. A guy came up to me the other day, and said he hadn’t had a bite in two days.
So, I bit him.
I’m here all week!
Arab Spring, Anerican Mid Terms?
No we don't. We have a shortage of food at the price you want to pay now.
Hope y’all have been stockpiling...
I’ve noticed the shelves of our store are fairly (Note I said fairly) well stocked, but prices are higher than a cat’s back!
Plus there is less in each can or bottle.
Dry Dog food was about $22.90 for 50 lb a month ago. Now it is 44 lb and $29.00
The pitch is “ 44 POUNDS! NOW 4 MORE POUNDS THAN 40 LB!”
wet cat food could not be found.
Pudding cups were $1.00 for a 4 cup package. Now the come on is “Two packages (eight) for $3.00! Up a dollar and a half for one package of four.
Reminds me of the old commie method..”Chocolate is now increased from 30 OZ ti 20 OZ!
At my local Shop Rite here in NJ a sirloin steak was going for $16.99 a pound.
I’m not touching that.