To: SeekAndFind
Holcomb is the definition of a candy ass RINO. He's afraid of a lawsuit? He should hide under the bed till his term is up.
A complete jackass and fairy.
2 posted on
03/22/2022 10:27:56 PM PDT by
Governor Dinwiddie
(LORD, grant thy people grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil.)
To: Governor Dinwiddie
These female fakers should be kicked between the legs to prove they are really females. Otherwise they are just frauds who participate without certification.
3 posted on
03/22/2022 10:44:46 PM PDT by
(Leftnicks chase illusions of motherships at the end of the pier.)
To: Governor Dinwiddie
I don’t have much at stake in this idiocy, but there’s a bigger issue beneath the surface that should be addressed:
Passing laws to “fix” a problem like this is part of the problem. This has to be done from the inside at the grassroots level — even if it means walking away from institutions and lifestyles we’ve come to view as our secular gods.
We are witnessing the Tower of Babel version 2.0.
7 posted on
03/23/2022 1:19:53 AM PDT by
Alberta's Child
("Mr. Potato Head ... Mr. Potato Head! Back doors are not secrets.")
To: Governor Dinwiddie
On the upside, he signed a constitutional carry law for Indiana.
Given a choice between the two, though, I’d rather have our women not have to compete against these perverse transformers.
14 posted on
03/23/2022 2:33:07 AM PDT by
(Some think my cynicism grows with age. I like to think of it as wisdom!)
To: Governor Dinwiddie
Another RINO. They are everywhere and worthless.
17 posted on
03/23/2022 3:16:08 AM PDT by
(Buy weapons and ammo, folks, and have the will to use them.)
To: Governor Dinwiddie
Follow the money. NCAA headquarters is located in Indianapolis.
20 posted on
03/23/2022 3:38:44 AM PDT by
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