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To: fwdude
I'll take the side of this article for once. It's not a visibility issue. In my experience, pickup driver tend to be more aggressive, more arrogant about right-of-way, more overly confident in their driving abilities, less courteous of others on the road, etc. AGain, I am generalizing, but the average stands. When driving down an interstate, 4 out of the 5 drivers who are weaving in and out of traffic while going 90 mph are in pickups. They think it gives them a big d***.

This is what I was going to post. I drive a small 20 year old truck (Ford Explorer Sport Trac). The worst drivers I see on the Houston roads are people in full-sized pickups or SUVs, particularly the trucks that are jacked up so as to loom even larger. Also many (though not all) are black vehicles. The drivers are not black, just the vehicles. For some reason the guys who gravitate to those vehicles tend to be overly aggressive a-holes. Maybe because they are so elevated in relation to the road everything else looks small and slow to them. They can probably see farther down the road due to the height, so they feel confident in doing all the weaving moves and in coming up close behind vehicles in order to bully them into getting out of their way. These guys are the pit-bulls of the road IMO.

70 posted on 03/17/2022 9:24:47 AM PDT by Sans-Culotte (11/3-11/4/2020 - The USA became a banana republic.)
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To: Sans-Culotte

You characterize these drivers perfectly. No, they are generally not the “work” trucks that people who used them used to routinely drive, but the luxury SUV/Truck varieties with all the bells and whistles. Many of them have that obscene “scrotum” hanging from the trailer hitch as well.

Compensation to the extreme.

73 posted on 03/17/2022 9:39:57 AM PDT by fwdude (Every time I see someone voluntarily masked in public, I know I'm looking at a vaccinated person.)
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