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As always, soliciting FReeper comments, observations, and opinions on the shows.
1 posted on 01/02/2022 4:43:39 AM PST by Alas Babylon!
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To: acapesket; A.Hun; aligncare; altura; bagster; Bernard; bray; BreezyDog; Calpublican; cajungirl; ...
This is the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread Ping List! If you want to be on it, reply to this post or FReepmail me (in case I miss it). If you want to be taken off, simply send me a FReepmail.

Happy New Year!

2 posted on 01/02/2022 4:44:27 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Rush, we're missing your take on all of this!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Surprised Dick Cheney’s daughter isn’t on the panel.

28 posted on 01/02/2022 6:01:18 AM PST by bray (The Vax is fake)
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To: Alas Babylon!

44 posted on 01/02/2022 6:23:01 AM PST by rodguy911 ((FR:home of the free because of the Brave---),ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL IT'S NOT)
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To: Alas Babylon!
The Sunday propaganda shows need some balance. One place I get some of the "inside" information is from "https://theconservativetreehouse."

The Republican Political Club Begins 2022 Repeating What They Did in 2021 - Both the Democrat and Republican wings of the UniParty in Washington DC created and support the Fourth Branch of Government. Political candidates from within the party machinery are an illusion of choice. The GOPe wing advance their candidate position today as they did in 2021. Politico led the effort in January 2021 to keep former South Carolina Governor, and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley elevated in the eyes of those who suffer from battered conservative syndrome

Dr Robert Malone Discusses How People Are Vulnerable to Mass Formation Psychosis - During his interview with Joe Rogan, which was broadcast yesterday, Dr. Robert Malone discussed how government and the medical establishment weaponized the fear of COVID-19 to create “mass formation psychosis.’ Essentially, how a large population can be susceptible to manipulation, because they are destabilized and looking for solutions and explanations. - this is the 80/20 rule

Interesting Shift – Australian Government Now Casually Saying They Will Pay for Adverse Reactions to Vaccine in Booster Phase, Media Calls 79,000 “The Rare Few” - A couple of things are a little, well, shall we say, odd about this. First, is the casual nature of how the Australian media just slip this little stunner into their broadcast as if it’s just an ‘oh, and by the way‘ type of message.
Second, is the evolution of this official government narrative from “it’s just a jab”, perfectly safe and fine, to, well, only a “rare few” will have adverse reactions to the perfectly safe jab… and, oh yeah, boosters now. By “rare few” we, um, mean around 79,000 people approximately, n’ stuff. Might be costly, but… whatevs.

Dystopian Scenes in Montreal, Quebec as 10pm COVID Curfew Is Reinstituted - Madness, just madness. Montreal, Quebec has reinstituted a COVID curfew as the Canadian government promotes the fear of Omicron. [Prior Media Report Here] The concept of a curfew is not only arbitrary, but also abject nonsense. Somehow the Rona is going to be worse at 10:15pm than it was at 9:55pm?
The scenes from the police patrolling the street, and instructing people over loudspeakers to go home, are dystopian and something you might see or hear in some fictional movie. The commonsense of government is gone completely. What did all of those people get double vaccinated and boosted for?
- outside of small country villages, the police ARE THE GESTAPO(Just doing as ordered). Just the way it is, again the 80/20 rule applies

46 posted on 01/02/2022 6:27:40 AM PST by DanZ ( )
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To: Alas Babylon!

Don’t know much about Joe Rogan but Dr.Malone has a good rep. I can’t listen to all three hours right now but I will during the week.
the link is hard to find its being killed at many places i got the tip at ZH.

48 posted on 01/02/2022 6:30:45 AM PST by rodguy911 ((FR:home of the free because of the Brave---),ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL IT'S NOT)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Heres a small mackerel we caught earlier this week in the Gulf of Mexico,beautiful day

52 posted on 01/02/2022 6:52:38 AM PST by rodguy911 ((FR:home of the free because of the Brave---),ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL IT'S NOT)
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To: Alas Babylon!; All

Please check out this thread/website - it’s important .... Bannon talks about it a lot on War Room & has interviews with Dan Schultz.

The Power of Three-Tenths of One Percent of Seventy-Four Million

Precinct Strategy

60 posted on 01/02/2022 7:10:10 AM PST by Qiviut ("Don't let your children die on the hill you refuse to fight on.")
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To: Alas Babylon!

Take a look at the fake news media, including Fox, and the end result is that the brainwashing of the American people is going full steam ahead. This is one guy who won’t be watching any of their shit.

63 posted on 01/02/2022 7:18:50 AM PST by kenmcg (tHE WHOLE )
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To: Alas Babylon!; rodguy911; All

Dr. Malone’s latest ....

A lie can be halfway round the world
before the truth has got its boots on


“Mass formation psychosis.”

No, it doesn’t refer to a screwed-up flock of geese flying south for the winter.

…instead of linking to the video of Dr. Malone, any of the stories that dive into the phenomenon, or even reaction videos that expand on the concept, Google decided to promote some random dude’s minute-and-a-half video “debunking” it when people search them for “mass formation psychosis.”

Google has now made this random guy’s video attacking Dr Malone on Mass Formation Psychosis the top result when you search for it

…we can’t find any algorithmic reason for his video to be ranked at the top, well ahead of actual experts in mass formation psychosis. This is a manual action, a direct hit-job by Google against Dr. Malone and his warnings about the injections.

Meanwhile, the same search on DuckDuckGo lists Dr. Malone’s detailed Substack article about the phenomenon at the top. Well done!

Big Tech and mainstream media are dead-set on defending every penny of Big Pharma’s massive vaccine windfall. That should tell you all you need to know about what really motivates Google to do what they do.


See link for additional links to articles/videos by Dr. Malone on this subject.

66 posted on 01/02/2022 7:27:11 AM PST by Qiviut ("Don't let your children die on the hill you refuse to fight on.")
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To: Alas Babylon!

Taffer (???) dropping bombs on Sunday morning futures

Supply chain issues.
Single use catsup packet=$0.40
You can buy bulk ketchup, now try buying catsup containers/dispensers
Food-if you do not know what king of food and ingredients will be delivered any given day, good luck planning a menu
Liquor and Wine!
-grain is expensive
-glass, for bottles, comes from China. good luck sourcing bottles
-labels. Gubmint wayyy behind giving their approval. Once you are approved for a new new, try finding a printer....


79 posted on 01/02/2022 8:01:41 AM PST by Steven Tyler
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To: Alas Babylon!
Different subject: Here is a great primer/backgrounder on Ukraine written by former Ambassdor and career foreign service officer Jack Matlock. Must read

Ukraine: Tragedy of a Nation Divided

80 posted on 01/02/2022 8:03:28 AM PST by kabar
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To: Alas Babylon!

Here’s Sharyll Atkinson’s list of government “excellence” in regard to COVID:

1. Funded dangerous Gain of Function research with our adversary, China, using US taxpayer money, in order to create vaccines and other medicine

2. Denied such funding had occurred

3. Claimed the lab theory was debunked when it hadn’t been investigated

4. Allowed China not to cooperate with the pandemic investigation; never imposed serious sanctions or repercussions for the non-cooperation

5. Failed to disclose their own role in Gain of Function research while publicly “debunking” U.S. involvement in it

6. Conspired to have public officials make statements and publish papers claiming the lab theory had been debunked, when it hadn’t been

7. Encouraged the censorship of factual information on the news and the Internet

8. Claimed would take years for a the first Covid-19 vaccine to be released

9. Conspired to controversialize scientists, researchers, and journalists who tell the truth about various aspects of Covid and the vaccines

10. Falsely claimed certain gatherings, such as the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, were “super spreader” events, when they were not

11. Distorted and exaggerated statistics to make it appear as though people were infected at events when they were not

12. Sent Covid-infected elderly from hospitals to nursing homes where they mass-infected other vulnerable residents

13. Said masks don’t work

14. Said masks do work

15. Required wearing of masks

16. Recommended wearing of more than one mask

17. Failed to wear masks themselves, when required

18. Said kids don’t need masks

19. Said kids must mask

20. Said kids don’t need to get vaccinated because their risk is so small

21. Said kids must be vaccinated because their risk is so great

22. Told people to isolate at home, even though that’s how most Covid cases are spread

23. Closed parks, beaches and outdoor venues even though Covid is rarely, if ever, transmitted outside

24. Arrested people for being outside, unmasked, even though they were among the safest population

25. Falsely claimed that early vaccine studies showed that those with natural immunity from prior infection benefit from vaccination

26. Covered up estimate of number of naturally-immune for many months

27. Closed schools, against the advice of many scientists, distorting education for a generation of students

28. Conspired to censor scientists, reporters and others who report factually on Covid therapeutics, vaccine issues.

29. Overcounted Covid cases and deaths by counting people “with” Covid but who were not sick from Covid

30. Shut down and destroyed the economy without improving Covid situation

31. Caused the firing of people who cannot get or choose not to get vaccinated, even though they may have natural immunity or medical conditions that prevent them from taking vaccine risks

32. Blanket-recommended vaccination for people who are at high risk of adverse events such as heart inflammation and blood clots

33. Falsely claimed vaccines prevent Covid infection

34. Falsely claimed vaccines prevent Covid spread

35. Falsely claimed vaccinated do not get sick with Covid

36. Falsely claimed vaccinated do not get hospitalized or die of Covid

37. Claimed that the vaccinated who get ill with Covid would be sicker if not vaccinated, when there is no evidence that is the case with any individual

38. Failed to provide informed consent and warn of Covid-19 vaccine side effects prior to administration

39. Claimed vaccines are highly effective

40. Claimed vaccines worked well against variants

41. Recommended up to 4 shots in one year because of vaccine ineffectiveness, while claiming vaccines are highly effective

42. Ignored the power of natural immunity, and the hundreds of studies supporting it

43. Punished medical doctors who prescribe therapeutics

44. Punished scientists who researched therapeutics

45. Use the power and size of the federal government to bully and threaten companies into requiring vaccination despite their ineffectiveness in preventing Covid infection or spread

46. Failed to promote effective therapeutics, which can save lives

47. Withheld and prevented treatment and resources, based on political calculations

48. Downplayed vaccine adverse events

49. Ignored pleas from vaccine-injured to investigate and publicize their cases to prevent other injuries

50. Exaggerated serious risks from Covid-19

51. Impacted military readiness by firing those who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune

52. Impacted health care system capacity by firing those who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune

53. Impacted first responder industry by firing those who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune

54. Impacted education system by firing educators who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune

55. Recommended vaccination for healthy children and others at near zero risk of serious impact from Covid-19 illness

56. Failed to discuss potential role of vitamins, sunshine, exercise, weight control, and healthy diet

57. Mislabeled Covid-19 a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” in a failed propaganda campaign

81 posted on 01/02/2022 8:03:33 AM PST by chiller (Davey Crockett said: "Be sure you're right. Then go ahead'. I'm going ahead.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Well, Adam Schitt, Cuck Toad, Liz Cheney and Bernie Thompson all made wild accusations about Jan 6th on most of the shows. Cheney said “we” cannot allow Donald Trump near the Oval Office again (not your decision, soon to be out of Congress woman) Thompson (who heads Pelousi’s special committee), said that he “knows” certain Republican congressmen were in communication with the so-called riot leaders.

Cuck Toad used the “expertise” of MSNBC staff to try and prove the whole thing. Margaret Brennan tried to pin Schitt down on when he will hold public hearings and he gave a window from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. He’s hopin for the latter so it—in his make believe mind—it will have a bug impact on the election and crush the Red Wave. Har! Good one! And Sad Jake Tapper pontificated on just how undemocrat those wascally wepublicans are.

Too bad hardly anyone was watching See BS, MSNBC or CNN.

124 posted on 01/02/2022 10:32:18 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Rush, we're missing your take on all of this!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Going to watch Sunday Morning Futures soon... Wish OAN and NewsMax would do a Sunday Morning talking head show..

142 posted on 01/02/2022 6:05:03 PM PST by Deplorable American1776 (I'm the one trying to save American Democracy...Donald Trump 6/21 at the NCGOP convention! )
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