They don’t have anything to worry about, 7 of 9 Justices consistently side with evil.
They don’t have anything to worry about, 7 of 9 Justices consistently side with evil
I think it’s a virtual guarantee that roe is going to be overturned. Why? Because the left wants it overturned. And the Supreme Court Justices will do what their masters say. Why does the left want it overturned? Because it will help their chances in the midterms. They don’t give a damn one way or another about butchered babies. They’re just doing what keeps them in power so they are absolutely going to want roe overturned and again the Supreme Court slaves will do their bidding. Which is a good thing in this case.
I hope I am wrong, but I suspect you are right.
The Left politicized Scotus generations ago. The justices have families. AFAIK, they do not have government-sponsored security. They know the violence the Left is capable of.