Oh, that’s ok, I didn’t think you were piling on. I’d never heard of that kind of behavior either! Human nature, sometimes…
I found it to be disgusting, that people would do this. We are fortunate, in that if we make a mistake in assumptions or judgement, we are not only inclined to be open to clarity and truth on a subject, but there are many here who will help us reach clarity and something closer to truth.
Most of us are inclined to want the truth, even if we don’t like or accept it all the time, but we will make the effort and dig.
However, there are a lot of people all over this country and the world who have no idea what that stupid meme is (you and I didn’t) and will tell people that it was really a white person who did it and get people who AREN’T interested in clairity or truth completely riled up and...