Absolutely shameless. Fly them back south.
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To: Half_Retired
Future GOP voters! Start the democratic party panic and pass it on that absconded illegal invaders will vote GOP!
2 posted on
11/06/2021 11:16:18 AM PDT by
(Get your houses in order.)
To: Half_Retired
Because Florida has a Republican governor. biden is an angry, vengeful maniac. He is unfit for public office.
3 posted on
11/06/2021 11:16:50 AM PDT by
I want the USA back
(The left hates "Let's Go Brandon!" Plaster it all over. Shout it from the rooftops!)
To: Half_Retired
Or fly them and drop them off in Delaware
4 posted on
11/06/2021 11:17:15 AM PDT by
God luvs America
(63.5 million pay no income tax and vote for DemoKrats...)
To: Half_Retired
Ehhh, nobody even notices them.. but they will, come election day.
5 posted on
11/06/2021 11:19:04 AM PDT by
(Semper Fi - Monthly Donors Rock!!! In CONgre$$ WE're Disgusted!!)
To: Half_Retired
... Fly them back south. ... And send Brandon with them.
To: Half_Retired
I can no longer accept anything other than these people are invaders and the Brandon administration is facilitating the invasion. Brandon has completed the supply chain for the drug cartels. Everyone involved should be locked up or forcibly deported. No American in good conscience can aide in this invasion. That would go for the flight crews and every part of the supply chain to the border. Real Americans would find work elsewhere.
9 posted on
11/06/2021 11:22:28 AM PDT by
("Goats are like mushrooms. Because if you shoot a duck, I'm afraid of toasters." - Joe Biden)
To: Half_Retired
Jacksonville may be their final destination, Big airport there, they can transfer to the rest of the country quite easily.
10 posted on
11/06/2021 11:22:33 AM PDT by
(Political Correctness Offends Me)
To: Half_Retired
Trying to flip Florida blue I see
To: Half_Retired
First thing they said in Florida:
Quiero ir a Disney World
(I want to go to Disney World-——
after registering as a Dem and signing up for free housing and welfare. And Biden promised us all free waffle cones.)
12 posted on
11/06/2021 11:24:22 AM PDT by
frank ballenger
(You have summoned up a thundercloud. You're gonna hear from me. Anthem by Leonard Cohen)
To: Half_Retired
Trying to infect Florida with crime, covid and welfare cases.
13 posted on
11/06/2021 11:24:45 AM PDT by
(Thank you Rush for helping me find FreeRepublic! )
To: Half_Retired
Anecdotal: The last time we flew to Florida at the beginning of October we had half the plane full of Haitians. Could not imagine why so many would come to Arizona other than via crossing the border.
16 posted on
11/06/2021 11:26:25 AM PDT by
(Communists...Socialists...Fascists & AntiFa...Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?)
To: Half_Retired
The diabolical sons of bitches.
17 posted on
11/06/2021 11:27:33 AM PDT by
(invictus maneo)
To: Half_Retired
Let’s pump up Covid numbers there.
18 posted on
11/06/2021 11:28:06 AM PDT by
(Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)
To: Half_Retired
To: Half_Retired
This is more confirmation that the “pandemic” is fake.
21 posted on
11/06/2021 11:29:08 AM PDT by
KTM rider
(Jan 6th fake insurrection was staged by the FBI)
To: Half_Retired
Article four of the U.S. Constitution guarantees each stae a republican form of government, and to protect the state from foreign invasion.
Our current government has failed its sworn duties under the Constitution. Not even debatable.
Now you know why the Founders codified the Second amendment.
22 posted on
11/06/2021 11:30:57 AM PDT by
M Kehoe
(Quid Pro Joe and the Ho need to go.)
To: Half_Retired; JulieRNR21; Travis McGee; AAABEST; kinganamort; katherineisgreat; floriduh voter; ...
Florida Freeper I'm compiling a list of FReepers interested in Florida-related topics.
If you want to be added, please FReepMail me.
23 posted on
11/06/2021 11:33:27 AM PDT by
Joe Brower
("Might we not live in a nobler dream than this?" -- John Ruskin)
To: Half_Retired
Evil showering with daughter bastard.
32 posted on
11/06/2021 11:57:04 AM PDT by
(Dogs are called man's best friend. Moslems hate dogs. Add it up....)
To: Half_Retired
From the article: “Jacksonville is located on the eastern side of the state, along Interstate 95, the major highway that runs up and down the East Coast. Florida officials are aware that the groups being flown in are then being transported by charter bus north and south on the interstate.”
To: Half_Retired
Just what did the governor-who-would-be-President do about them?
Did he pack them up immediately and ship them to Columbia?
OTOH, is this going to end up as one of those never-ending frivolous law suit threats?
35 posted on
11/06/2021 12:16:13 PM PDT by
(Where is another Sam Adams now that we desperately need him?)
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