Meanwhile they want to drone Trump supporters.
More fear porn, or does he have plans like this himself?
stop Bill! they are already playing “germ games”, you too.
There are two known repositories of the variola virus. One is the CDC in Atlanta, the other is in Russia. If we have a weaponized outbreak, either Fauci gets a sample of ours, or Gates buys Russia’s sample, or they are both planning the engineered culling of humanity. Gates is a known population control extremist, so there’s that.
Gate$ knows all about infecting things with viruses.
Gates needs to have his meeting with the BSOD.
Now we know what they have on the table next for us.
If memory serves me, presidents past have directly threatened our use of nuclear weapons in response to ANY biological attack.
It never occurred to us that the enemy would get us to self administer the bio weapon.
On October 18, 2019, in New York, NY, Event 201, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum was an effort to plan a action against a world pandemic. I think Bill Gates is concerned about the Communist Chinese and is on to something they are working on.
Even his wife couldn’t trust this ding dong why should I?
Why is it we now have Bill Gates and Fauci suddenly making the calls?...and this along with Zuckerberg and the other two? What are the cards in their hands are they playing in this Matrix world they’ve created?
When do we see this monster frogmarched to his deserved justice?
Where did Bill get his medical degree? Bio Science degree? How many years experience does he have working in biomedical research?
Zero, nada, zilch. He only funds people with such knowledge and experience. People who will tell him what he wants to hear and do what he wants them to do because they want his $$$.
The man is mentally ill. No one should take him seriously.
The government stopped giving the vaccine because they said it had been eradicated from the globe. Now Gates comes along saying it’s going to be used as a bio-weapon. Shouldn’t someone be dragging Bill Gates in for questioning as to how he knows this and who these people are? Obviously the government is oblivious to this information OR they have been lying for 40 years. Which is it? Sounds like Gates has some explaining to do.
What the CDC says.
“There is no immediate, direct threat of a bioterrorist attack using smallpox. No bioterrorist attack using smallpox has happened in modern times. Throughout history, though, some people have used smallpox to their advantage by deliberately infecting their enemies with the disease.”
“The smallpox vaccine is no longer available to the public. In 1972, routine smallpox vaccination in the United States ended. In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared smallpox was eliminated. Because of this, the public doesn’t need protection from the disease.”
Who is lying?