Posted on 10/13/2021 2:27:50 AM PDT by Kaslin
Are red and blue America headed for a split? Lately, Dan Bongino has discussed the possibility on his daily podcast and radio show. Glenn Beck has mentioned it, too. It’s a focused topic of David Reaboi, whom Bongino cites. Reaboi suggests that a “national divorce” should be discussed. He sees a split more as a matter of when, not if. The hope is for a civil, if not amicable, separation.
What may surprise readers is the convergence that’s happening about the need for a national divorce.
As the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia discovered in its recent polling and data analytics: “roughly 4 in 10 (41%) of Biden and half (52%) of Trump voters at least somewhat agree that it’s time to split the country, favoring blue/red states seceding from the union.”
It’s conceivable that the percentage for a separation would be higher among Biden backers had Donald Trump won reelection. And the percentage lower among Trump-backers if the 2020 outcome was different. Nonetheless, the poll does reveal broadening agreement.
Why a civil divorce won’t happen -- if a divorce comes at all -- is that it fails to account for the opposition; that is, the hard left -- Mark Levin’s aptly described “American Marxists” -- who’d regard a friendly national divorce (or any divorce) as contrary to who and why they are.
This hard left cohort is ascendant in the Democratic Party and among “progressives.” That’s been the case for a while. It’s they who would have to be reckoned with in any drive to separate the country.
There’s ample history, dating back to the Russian Revolution, that Marxist-Leninists (or variations, like Maoists and fascists) are never about subtraction. They’re about addition. They’re about power acquisition -- often through violence.
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It's time for us to jettison those who reject our national values because there's no changing them. Time to secede.
We should extend the invitation to secede on a county by county basis.
While we're at it, since we'd be forming a new country, we should extend the invitation to counties in Canada and Mexico as well.
Note that this option is becoming increasingly popular.
I think even if there was a national “divorce,” the rat 🐀 bastards would infiltrate our area, and try to take over, by any means necessary.
The irony, I think, is that we are supposed to have a very weak federal government, with our daily lives really determined by the local politics within our state. Or perhaps, our county.
A federation of the several counties would be great. Let Philadelphia be Philadelphia. They can legalize abortion, cancel each other, impose COVID mandates, have corrupt elections, and do whatever else they want. It will have minimal effect on anyone outside that county.
The vast sea of red will have traditional American values, as overseen by their own county government.
Rather than a national divorce, I’d rather see the end of State government. Let’s go to a full County system.
“A House Divided CANNOT Stand”.....we are DOOMED.
Divide it up by the counties, form new states and be done with it. The “USA” as we know it is no more.
Yes we are. I do not, however, see how we can go on indefinitely like this. Sooner of later, the dam will burst. I don’t like the idea, but what is the alternative?
The underlying assumption of this piece is correct. The Left will NOT GO QUIETLY. For that reason, they need to be given an ultimatum. You agree to the original structure and design of the USA...OR YOU GET OUT OF THE COUNTRY!
There is NO RETREATING from these tyrants. They must be crushed !
No doubt that’s a factor. It might even be the biggest factor, but I think there are other factors as well.
They have set fires on the front porch of many real people, nurses and healthcare professional, airline pilots and traffic controllers, small businesses, and now PARENTS. It will soon be time to make the donuts
Yes, what makes anyone think it will turn out differently?
Maybe a free bullet, with which to commit Arkancide. On 2nd thought, the rat 🐀 bastards would probably make the family pay for the bullet.
Maybe a free bullet, with which to commit Arkancide. On 2nd thought, the rat 🐀 bastards would probably make the family pay for the bullet.
That’s why I think, sooner or later, it WILL need to get physical, or more physical than it has been already.
Although the land of my birth (meaning the region) has gone full Maoist) I still have an emotional attachment to it.However,I would go to North Carolina (just to use one example) if they were to secede from the Union.
No divorce works unless you move the people.
How do you move tens of millions of people from one area to another?
Who is going to pay for that?
What if you don’t want to move? Will your support for the constitution mean you are forcibly removed? (liberals would love that, but it is not in our nature to force relocation against individual liberty)
One look at that county-by-county map, and everyone can see that we’re never going to split up - “Blue Nation” would be nothing but a bunch of rotten city cores.
In any case, We are not a 50/50’s almost as if we believe our elections aren’t rigged. Our only priority should be cleaning up our elections, and a lot that’s currently wrong with America will get cleaned up.
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