I cant really find much on vaccination by occupation. I did find this Jan article that says the dock unions wanted vaccine preference right after HCW and first responders even. Another article that was paywalled from SC hinted at the same. So who knows what the uptake was? is?. No clue about rail.
this is from Jan when they were first rolling out the vaccine:
So no clue on rail, but yureka! I did find a recent (2 weeks ago) survey on truckers - 7% would look for jobs in smaller companies (that’s a good thing, right?) and 10% said they’d quit, (which is that normal annual attrition thing) in contrast to 25% who said they’d wait to be fired. So maybe 10% loss, but, a gain for smaller companies looking for drivers.
and this
50% of trucking companies have trouble finding enough workers, which leaves trucks sitting and delivery orders not taken if they can’t be filled due to lack of a driver