It wasn’t a false flag. That lie was started by the left as an attempt to keep the crowd as small as possible. I have been following Matt’s organization for a while. He is one of the first to call attention to the plight of the political prisoners.
The treatment these people have suffered in prison sounds like something they would do in a third world dictatorship.
Don’t let the left tell us to stay home.
I wish I could have been there.
The media have virtually ignored the purpose of the rally - to protest the lengthy incarceration and treatment of the prisoners - and portrayed it as support for the January 6th violence itself. That false characterization was used to justify the large police presence.
The people that should have seen a false flag on Jan 6 somehow missed it, but they were quick to label this peaceful rally for the political prisoners as a false flag.
I’m including President Trump in there. He’s still listening to the wrong people. He needs to listen to his constituents not the political whores in DC.
I don't think it was a false flaag either, but I did have my doubts. In any case, I don't see why the left would want a small crowd. They'd benefit a lot more from a large, unruly or even vilolent mob.
Which happily, they didn't get.