Islam has NEVER been peaceful.
It is a religion of WAR.
Specifically a war against the rest of humanity.
Always has been, always will be.
Mad Mo made it so.
George Bush apparently said that too... ONE WEEK AFTER 9/11
This administration is all about inclusiveness, collectivism, unity, diversity and multiculturalism. They will never “label” any one/group unless they oppose their agenda...then the labels fly like arrows...such as those who support Trump.
Obviously Biden sees Trump as an enemy far more than he does the Agenda’s of the Taliban or Islam.
That is no different that G.W. Bush, just days after 9-11, going into a masque and standing there in his stocking feet and trying to tell everyone how Islam is a religion of peace, Ya, right, “Piece, by piece, by piece.” For anyone who is interested....ISLAM MEANS SUBMISSION!
7th century religion for 7th century minds.
You should not invite a “mainly peaceful” grizzly bear into your house.
Islam is a religion invented specifically to inspire troops into joining Mohammed’s jihads across the middle east. It is a religion of war and lies. One of the lies is that it’s a religion of peace.
Islam is a peaceful religion*
*excluding homosexuals, unfaithful women, women who have been raped, people not of “The Book” such as the majority of Asians and Africans, and Christians & Jews occasionally
Of course joe says that. He just gave 85 billion worth of armements to fanatical, hate-filled violent members of the religion of peace. He can’t anger his dear friends.
And the co-founder of CAIR (he was imprisoned in the USA) stated mooslimes weren’t here to follow the US Constitution, they were here to make Islime the dominant religion and the Qurap the Constitution.
So far they been outbreeding US Citizens through births and immigration.
Demoncraps will learn only when the edge of the sword falls down upon their necks. Ask Daniel Pearl. He too thought they were a religion of peace. Oh you can’t unless you know how to sew.
Biden is only repeating what Hussein 0bama is telling him to say; he's too stupid to do anything else.
If 0bama were in jail (preferably an ultra Black site) the Country would begin to heal and reunite.
At least he is not saying anything about the election. That would be bad.
There 68 passages in the koran calling for the muslim to lie, cheat, steal and even kill the Infidel.
When it comes to Afghanistan why there has been a refusal to cite any religious purposes claimed by their actions When the 911 action was done by the Taliban That reasoning Perhaps began when President Bush was urged to be refrained from using the term crusade to fight them . Which was followed up not only by the media portraying the Christian use of the term not as defensive but as acts of agression and the so called (in name only) democratic party but later by by Christian leaders like Pope Francis refusing to approach exposing the Taliban for it being a theocracy following the sharia creed which denies free will and ridicule their claim they are authorized by Our Creator to execute non believers. but instead brags about working with them.
If that exposure was explored and the emphasis was placed on Our Savior’s activities bringing in the New Covenant there would be more conversions.
Islam is about as peaceful as Biden is smart.