That’s just hysteria.
Life for women under that Taliban will be same as it is in any other Sharia dominated country - confined and brutal, but survivable. It isn’t like that hasn’t be the way of things in Islamic countries for almost 1400 years.
Funny how Feminazis don’t seem to care.
Survivable is a great word. Hiroshima was survivable. But you may be right, as long as the women accept the rape and forced marriages they will be fine. Its the dancing boys who should be worried.
Life for women under that Taliban will be same as it is in any other Sharia dominated country - confined and brutal, but survivable
in a lifetime living in absolute Hell. Not to mention the 2x daily mandatory beatings.
Life for women under Sharia is so survivable that many have self-immolated to escape the agony
I have to agree....people remaining under Sharia Laws have known the score for centuries. Like any country if they want Sharia Laws changed it’s not the responsibility of other nations to change their laws. Islam will always be what it is ....and the woman under it know this.
Many women are now educated and many had moved into educated careers. They are all threats to a stone age culture and their lives will be much worse and targeted for enslavement and death IMO. The Taliban will work very hard to cut them out of their society, probably in most brutal fashion.
>>Funny how Feminazis don’t seem to care.<<
They’ll start caring when they get raped.
Water down brutally much?
Maybe get a sex change Mr bergdahl and move there to celebrate there inclusiveness.