Have you ever played High School sports? College? If not, you know not of what you speak.
A few years ago I ran into a former opposing player — a big, fast, dominant player who scared the crap out of me every time he stepped on the ice. He laughed when he recognized me, then rolled his eyes and told me how much he hated playing against me and my close friend who was my regular defense partner. LOL.
I never would have dreamed of quitting on my team even when I had zero confidence in my abilities.
I played an ice hockey game in a national tournament with three cracked ribs. Every breath was excruciating, much less every check. We lost. We would have lost without me, so my participation was, objectively, irrelevant. But I didn't want to quit on my team. And every person I played with appreciated it (some of us are still close, even after all of these years, because of that experience). Winners don't quit. Neither do competitors, even if they lose. Only quitters quit.