Paul Robeson who admired Joe Stalin, who sent one of Robeson’s friends off to the Gulags. Another entertainer who should have stuck to his singing and acting.
Only a left leaning, no, make that Communist infested, University would have a place on campus named after Paul Robeson, a black commie football player who could sing!
The political trumps, no, obliterates the cultural.
Robeson is a bad example.
Not only is it from Fidel Castro, it’s a lie on his part.
Wow, I had no idea I had a right to all that stuff. Cuba must be a paradise by now. No? Oh, never mind.
All of what is mentioned in the quote is what I see him and Che Guevara sitting on a cabin cruiser enjoying while the poor people in cuba driving a rotting old 53 Chevy and in old clothes and hungry back inland without all those items mentioned in the quote. He was just a greedy man with delusions, the same as Che Guevara. Che Guevara got what he deserved, but no so with Fidel Castro. Castro enjoyed all the amentities that were denied to the poor Cubans. Castro lived protected by those around him who also got to enjoy those spoils until his death. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes cannot see this because of her impaired IQ. She does not even have what some of us have been endowed with.